binaryen 0.6.0

Bindings to the binaryen library
binaryen-0.6.0 doesn't have any documentation.


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Binaryen bindings for Rust. These bindings wrap binaryen C API very closly and at times might be not very idiomatic. For example, binaryen can abort your program if used incorrectly.

With Binaryen you can create optimized WebAssembly modules.

For example what you can create with Binaryen you can check out DEMO*. Yes, this is CHIP-8 roms compiled straight to the WebAssembly. See emchipten test bed for this project.

(*) Modern browser required


extern crate binaryen;

use binaryen::*;

fn main() {
    let module = Module::new();

    let params = &[ValueTy::I32, ValueTy::I32];
    let iii = module.add_fn_type(Some("iii"), params, Ty::I32);

    let x = module.get_local(0, ValueTy::I32);
    let y = module.get_local(1, ValueTy::I32);
    let add = module.binary(BinaryOp::AddI32, x, y);

    let _adder = module.add_fn("adder", &iii, &[], add);



This example will print:

 (type $iii (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (memory $0 0)
 (func $adder (type $iii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $1)