Crate binance_async

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Binance Async

Unofficial Rust Library for the Binance API with Async/Await and ergonomic design.

This repo is at its early stage, not all requests/websockets are implemented. However, the related mechanism is already there: adding support for new requests/websocket events should only require several lines of code. PRs are very welcomed!

Design Goal

Besides the async/await support, this library aims for being ergonomic by leveraging types. The struct for REST and Websocket only provides limited functions for you to call: for example, Binance is the struct for REST requests and it only exposes one function: fn request. Additionally, which API endpoint to call and what parameter to carry are all stored in the type information. for example, creating a new order is

let binance = Binance::new();
binance.request(usdm::NewOrderRequest {
    symbol: "ethusdt".into(),
    r#type: OrderType::Limit,
    side: OrderSide::Buy,

    price: Decimal::from_f64(1500.),
    quantity: Decimal::from_f64(0.004),
    time_in_force: Some(TimeInForce::GTC),

As you can see, usdm::NewOrderRequest itself knows which endpoint (“/fapi/v1/order”) to send this request to. Moreover, all the request structs have Default implemented, which allows you to express different parameter combinations without making the code verbose.


Send a New Order and Cancel it

async fn main() {
   let binance = Binance::with_key_and_secret(&var("BINANCE_KEY")?, &var("BINANCE_SECRET")?);
   let resp = binance
       .request(usdm::NewOrderRequest {
           symbol: "ethusdt".into(),
           r#type: OrderType::Limit,
           side: OrderSide::Buy,

           price: Decimal::from_f64(1500.),
           quantity: Decimal::from_f64(0.004),
           time_in_force: Some(TimeInForce::GTC),

   let resp = binance
       .request(usdm::CancelOrderRequest {
           symbol: "ethusdt".into(),
           order_id: Some(resp.order_id),

Listening to WS

async fn main() {
    let binance = Binance::with_key(&var("BINANCE_KEY")?);
    let listen_key = binance.request(StartUserDataStreamRequest {}).await?;
    let mut ws: BinanceWebsocket<UsdMWebsocketMessage> = BinanceWebsocket::new(&[

    for _ in 0..10000 {
        let msg ="ws exited")?;

Module Structure

Since this library heavily uses type, there are a plenty of structs defined in each module. The organization of the structs follow the principle:

  1. REST related types are defined in the rest module (mainly request and responses).
  2. Websocket related types are defined in the websocket module (mainly websocket events).
  3. Common types like OrderType are defined in the models module.
  4. Binance distinguishes products like Spot, USDM Futures, so as our types. Types are further stored under the usdm, coinm and spot module under the rest and websocket module.




