Module billecta::self_invoice

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§Self invoice

Self invoices are supplier invoices that you create for you supplier to yourself. That is, you are invoicing yourself on behalf of your supplier. Self invoices are widely used when invoice for your customer on their behalf (where payment is made to your account) to their customer. To automatize the payment flow you need to further promote the payment from your account to you customer. In a sence a supplier invoice to you that you create yourself.


  • Attesting a self invoice means that is will be book kept and locked for editing. Invoice is automatically sent if any distribution is set.
  • Cancels a self invoice and ‘reverts’ the bookkeeping.
  • Writes a comment to the self invoice events log.
  • All created self invoices are saved as drafts. To make it permanent and bookkeep it, the self invoice action must be attested. See the Attest endpoint. BankgiroNo property is one of the approved bankgiro numbers in Creditor.CreditorBankInfo.CreditorOutgoingBankgiroes. Bankgiro numbers are approved by Billecta customer service after a security review.
  • Only non-attested self invoices can be deleted. Once attested it is locked and deletion is not allowed any more.
  • Returns a self invoice based on the ActionPublicId. All self invoices have a unique ActionPublicId that is generated on creation.
  • Retrieves all self invoices that have a closed/full payment date between the specified from and to dates
  • Retrieves all drafts/attested and unpaid self invoices.
  • Returns self invoice(s) based on the external id. Self invoices can have an external id that is for instance generated in another system and later set in Billecta.
  • Self invoice events gets archived after one year. This reloads archived events to enable the events to be retrieved again. Observe that these events will be archived again after one day.
  • Pauses the self invoice from any more automatic events.
  • Preview a self invoice to view how it will be generated. This endpoint previews data already stored in API/database. This endpoint returns a PDF data stream in the content
  • Preview a self invoice to view how it will be generated. This endpoint previews data sent in the request and ignores data stored in the API/ database. This endpoint returns a PDF data stream in the content
  • Resumes the self invoice to automatically process events.
  • Sends the invoice by email
  • Triggers a payment from specified bankgiro number on the self invoice. Amount and date is set in the request.
  • Note that only non-attested self invoices can be updated. Once attested it is locked and update is not possible any more.