Module billecta::creditors

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Creditors are the base of all data relations in the API. A creditor is an invoices sender, self invoice sender, supplier invoice receivers, etc. It is the company that you represent.


  • A creditor sign in token enabled users in you site to be able to be signed in into the Billecta App, a so called seamless sing in between our and your system. The call creates a key that is valid for one minute. For more information on how to integrate your application with the Billecta App and set proper access rights please contact
  • Creates or updates the KYC information for the creditor. Mobil BankID sign is optional
  • Deletes a creditor. Note that a creditor can’t be deleted if an invoice, debtor, product, etc has been created on it. This is due to bookkeeping regulations.
  • Deletes a saved text template.
  • Get all creditors current user has read access to
  • Get all creditors that has been shared to the current calling user.
  • Get all users/shares that the specified creditor has been shared with.
  • Gets the status of the KYC request. Request is made through the portal in company settings
  • Get a subset of all creditors info that current user has read access to
  • Default configuration is a set of default values that has been defined by you or the users. They are just a suggestion and a default setting. When creating invoice or ‘other’ data the value should be extracted from the default values and sent with the actual invoice or the ‘other’ data.
  • Sharing a creditor means that you can grant access (you define which rights) to another user in Billecta. By that you can for instance grant you bookkeeping firm access to your creditor as long as they have an account in Billecta. An alternative and more restrictive (for you bookkeeping firm) is that you create a specific user account for your bookkeeping firm in your domain. The reason why that is more restrictive for your bookkeeping firm is that the must have on account for each company that manage in Billecta.
  • Unshare a creditor. All users that have been granted access directly or indirectly will be lose access to the creditor.
  • Valid format on logos are png, jpg, bmp. Image is stored in Billecta database if method is used. Alternative method for updating logo is to send your own URL when creating/updating creditor.
  • Update the rights on an already existing creditor share.