[][src]Trait bigml::resource::Updatable

pub trait Updatable {
    type Update: Serialize + Debug;

A value which can be updated using the BigML API. May be a Resource or a piece of data contained in Resource. This is normally passed to Client::update.

Implementing Updatable (internal only)

For primitive types like String or bool, you should add them to the primitive_updatable_types! macro, which will define type Update = self. You can also do this manually for simple enum types, and other values which can only be updated as a whole.

For struct types, you should use #[derive(Updatable)] and mark updatable fields with #[updatable]. For a struct Foo, this will generate a corresponding FooUpdate type, containing only those fields marked as #[updatable] (with appropriate types).

Associated Types

type Update: Serialize + Debug

The type of the data used to update this value.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl Updatable for bool[src]

type Update = Self

impl Updatable for i64[src]

type Update = Self

impl Updatable for String[src]

type Update = Self

impl Updatable for u16[src]

type Update = Self

impl<T: Updatable, H: BuildHasher> Updatable for HashMap<String, T, H>[src]

HashMap<String, T> can be updated using HashMap<String, T::Update>.

impl<T: Updatable> Updatable for Option<T>[src]

Option<T> can be updated using Option<T::Update>.

type Update = Option<<T as Updatable>::Update>

impl<T: Updatable> Updatable for Vec<T>[src]

Vec<T> can be updated using Vec<T::Update>.

type Update = Vec<<T as Updatable>::Update>

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impl Updatable for Optype[src]

type Update = Self

impl Updatable for Field[src]

impl Updatable for Source[src]

impl Updatable for ResourceCommon[src]

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