Crate big_space

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This bevy plugin makes it possible to build high-precision worlds that exceed the size of the observable universe, with no added dependencies, while remaining largely compatible with the rest of the Bevy ecosystem.

The next section explains the problem this solves in more detail, how this plugin works, and a list of other solutions that were considered. If you’d like, you can instead skip ahead to Usage.


Objects far from the origin suffer from reduced precision, causing rendered meshes to jitter and jiggle, and transformation calculations to encounter catastrophic cancellation.

As a camera moves far from the origin, the values describing its x/y/z coordinates become large, leaving less precision to the right of the decimal place. Consequently, when computing the position of objects in view space, mesh vertices will be displaced due to this lost precision.

This is a great little tool to calculate how much precision a floating point value has at a given scale:

§Possible Solutions

There are many ways to solve this problem!

  • Periodic recentering: every time the camera moves far enough away from the origin, move it back to the origin and apply the same offset to all other entities.
    • Problem: Objects far from the camera will drift and accumulate error.
    • Problem: No fixed reference frame.
    • Problem: Recentering triggers change detection even for objects that did not move.
  • Camera-relative coordinates: don’t move the camera, move the world around the camera.
    • Problem: Objects far from the camera will drift and accumulate error.
    • Problem: No fixed reference frame
    • Problem: Math is more complex when everything is relative to the camera.
    • Problem: Rotating the camera requires recomputing transforms for everything.
    • Problem: Camera movement triggers change detection even for objects that did not move.
    • Problem: Incompatible with existing plugins that use Transform.
  • Double precision coordinates: Store transforms in double precision
    • Problem: Rendering still requires positions be in single precision, which either requires using one of the above techniques, or emulating 64 bit precision in shaders.
    • Problem: Updating double precision transforms is more expensive than single precision.
    • Problem: Computing the GlobalTransform is more expensive than single precision.
    • Problem: Size is limited to approximately the orbit of Saturn at human scales.
    • Problem: Incompatible with existing plugins that use Transform.
  • Chunks: Place objects in a large grid, and track the grid cell they are in,
    • Problem: Requires a component to track the grid cell, in addition to the Transform.
    • Problem: Computing the GlobalTransform is more expensive than single precision.


This plugin uses the last solution listed above. The most significant benefits of this method over the others are:

  • Absolute high-precision positions in space that do not change when the camera moves. The only component that is affected by precision loss is the GlobalTransform used for rendering. The GridCell and Transform only change when an entity moves. This is especially useful for multiplayer - the server needs a source of truth for position that doesn’t drift over time.
  • Virtually limitless volume and scale; you can work at the scale of subatomic particles, across the width of the observable universe. Double precision is downright suffocating in comparison.
  • Uniform precision across the play area. Unlike double precision, the available precision does not decrease as you move to the edge of the play area, it is instead relative to the distance from the origin of the current grid cell.
  • High precision coordinates are invisible if you don’t need them. You can move objects using their Transform alone, which results in decent ecosystem compatibility.
  • High precision is completely opt-in. If you don’t add the GridCell component to an entity, it behaves like a normal single precision transform, with the same performance cost, yet it can exist in the high precision hierarchy. This allows you to load in GLTFs or other low-precision entity hierarchies with no added effort or cost.

While using the BigSpacePlugin, the position of entities is now defined with the ReferenceFrame, GridCell, and Transform components. The ReferenceFrame is a large integer grid of cells; entities are located within this grid using the GridCell component. Finally, the Transform is used to position the entity relative to the center of its GridCell. If an entity moves into a neighboring cell, its transform will be automatically recomputed relative to the center of that new cell. This prevents Transforms from ever becoming larger than a single grid cell, and thus prevents floating point precision artifacts.

The grid adds precision to your transforms. If you are using (32-bit) Transforms on an i32 grid, you will have 64 bits of precision: 32 bits to address into a large integer grid, and 32 bits of floating point precision within a grid cell. This plugin is generic up to i128 grids, giving you up tp 160 bits of precision of translation.

ReferenceFrames - grids - can be nested. This allows you to define moving reference frames, which can make certain use cases much simpler. For example, if you have a planet rotating, and orbiting around its star, it would be very annoying if you had to compute this orbit and rotation for all objects on the surface in high precision. Instead, you can place the planet and all objects on its surface in the same reference frame. The motion of the planet will be inherited by all children in that reference frame, in high precision.

Entities at the root of bevy’s entity hierarchy are not in any reference frame. This allows plugins from the rest of the ecosystem to operate normally, such as bevy_ui, which relies on the built in transform propagation system. This also means that if you don’t need to place entities in a high-precision reference frame, you don’t have to, as the process is opt-in. The high-precision hierarchical reference frames are explicit. Each high-precision tree must have a BigSpaceRootBundle at the root, and each BigSpace is independent. This means that each BigSpace has its own floating origin, which allows you to do things like rendering two players on opposite ends of the universe simultaneously.

All of the above applies to the entity marked with the FloatingOrigin component. The floating origin can be any high-precision entity in a BigSpace, it doesn’t need to be a camera. The only thing special about the entity marked as the floating origin, is that it is used to compute the GlobalTransform of all other entities in that BigSpace. To an outside observer, every high-precision entity within a BigSpace is confined to a box the size of a grid cell - like a game of Asteroids. Only once you render the BigSpace from the point of view of the floating origin, by calculating their GlobalTransforms, do entities appear very distant from the floating origin.

As described above. the GlobalTransform of all entities is computed relative to the floating origin’s grid cell. Because of this, entities very far from the origin will have very large, imprecise positions. However, this is always relative to the camera (floating origin), so these artifacts will always be too far away to be seen, no matter where the camera moves. Because this only affects the GlobalTransform and not the Transform, this also means that entities will never permanently lose precision just because they were far from the origin at some point. The lossy calculation only occurs when computing the GlobalTransform of entities, the high precision GridCell and Transform are never touched.


To start using this plugin, you will first need to choose how big your world should be! Do you need an i8, or an i128? See GridPrecision for more details and documentation.

  1. Disable Bevy’s transform plugin:<TransformPlugin>()
  2. Add the BigSpacePlugin to your App
  3. Spawn a BigSpace with spawn_big_space, and spawn entities in it.
  4. Add the FloatingOrigin to your active camera in the BigSpace.

To add more levels to the hierarchy, you can use ReferenceFrames, which themselves can contain high-precision spatial entities. Reference frames are useful when you want all objects to move together in space, for example, objects on the surface of a planet rotating on its axis and orbiting a star.

Take a look at the ReferenceFrame component for some useful helper methods. The component defines the scale of the grid, which is very important when computing distances between objects in different cells. Note that the root BigSpace also has a ReferenceFrame component.

§Moving Entities

For the most part, you can update the position of entities normally while using this plugin, and it will automatically handle the tricky bits. If you move an entity too far from the center of its grid cell, the plugin will automatically move it into the correct cell for you. However, there is one big caveat:

Avoid setting position absolutely, instead prefer applying a relative delta

Instead of:

transform.translation = a_huge_imprecise_position;


let delta = new_pos - old_pos;
transform.translation += delta;

§Absolute Position

If you are updating the position of an entity with absolute positions, and the position exceeds the bounds of the entity’s grid cell, the floating origin plugin will recenter that entity into its new cell. Every time you update that entity, you will be fighting with the plugin as it constantly recenters your entity. This can especially cause problems with camera controllers which may not expect the large discontinuity in position as an entity moves between cells.

The other reason to avoid this is you will likely run into precision issues! This plugin exists because single precision is limited, and the larger the position coordinates get, the less precision you have.

However, if you have something that must not accumulate error, like the orbit of a planet, you can instead do the orbital calculation (position as a function of time) to compute the absolute position of the planet with high precision, then directly compute the GridCell and Transform of that entity using ReferenceFrame::translation_to_grid.

§Next Steps

Take a look at the examples to see usage, as well as explanation of these use cases and topics.



  • Component bundles for big_space.
  • Provides a camera controller compatible with the floating origin plugin.
  • Adds big_space-specific commands to bevy’s Commands.
  • Contains tools for debugging the floating origin.
  • A floating origin for camera-relative rendering, to maximize precision when converting to f32.
  • Contains the grid cell implementation
  • The bevy plugin for big_space.
  • Contains the GridPrecision trait and its implementations.
  • Adds the concept of hierarchical, nesting ReferenceFrames, to group entities that move through space together, like entities on a planet, rotating about the planet’s axis, and, orbiting a star.
  • Tools for validating high-precision transform hierarchies
  • A helper query argument that ensures you don’t forget to handle the GridCell when you work with a Transform.