
  • The WasmScriptComponentEnv is the primary entry point for running scripts associated with components on entities.
  • The WasmScriptEnv is another entry point for running scripts, similar to WasmScriptComponentEnv. It works for all scripts, and in situations where WasmScriptComponentEnv will not (multiple scripts in one system, resource-based scripts).
  • The WasmScriptResourceEnv is the primary entry point for running scripts associated with resources.
  • The WasmerStore is an essential item for the use of wasm scripts. However, it should not be referenced directly by systems. WasmScriptEnv, WasmScriptComponentEnv, and WasmScriptResourceEnv are better entry points for running scripts.


  • A WasmScript assets represented a single, eventually-instantiated WASM script. All WasmScript assets are automatically compiled by the compile_wasm_scripts system, and may come from .wat or .wasm files. Ideally, scripts should be loaded early so they can be compiled during a loading stage. Compilation can take some time.



  • Add this system to automatically instantiate a script attached to a resource instead of a component. This will work well with hot reloading, as asset modifications are listened for.

Type Definitions