Expand description

This crate contains Bevy’s UI system, which can be used to create UI for both 2D and 3D games

Basic usage

Spawn UI elements with entity::ButtonBundle, entity::ImageBundle, entity::TextBundle and entity::NodeBundle This UI is laid out with the Flexbox paradigm (see https://cssreference.io/flexbox/ ) except the vertical axis is inverted


This module contains the bundles used in Bevy’s UI

This module contains systems that update the UI when something changes

This module contains the basic building blocks of Bevy’s UI


The calculated clip of the node

The calculated size of the node

Describes the size of a UI node

A 2-dimensional area defined by a width and height.

Contains entities whose Interaction should be set to None

Describes the style of a UI node

The color of the node

The image of the node

The basic plugin for Bevy UI

A type which is commonly used to define positions, margins, paddings and borders.


Defines how each line is aligned within the flexbox.

How items are aligned according to the cross axis

Works like AlignItems but applies only to a single item

Defines the text direction

Whether to use a Flexbox layout model.

Defines how flexbox items are ordered within a flexbox

Defines if flexbox items appear on a single line or on multiple lines

Describes whether the node should block interactions with lower nodes

Describes what type of input interaction has occurred for a UI node.

Defines how items are aligned according to the main axis

Whether to show or hide overflowing items

The strategy used to position this node

The label enum labeling the types of systems in the Bevy UI

An enum that describes possible types of value in flexbox layout options



Type Definitions