Crate bevy_replicon

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ECS-focused high-level networking crate for the Bevy game engine.

§Quick start

Replicon provides a prelude module, which exports most of the typically used traits and types.

The library doesn’t provide any I/O, so you need to add a messaging backend. We provide a first-party integration with bevy_renet via bevy_replicon_renet.

If you want to write an integration for a messaging backend, see the documentation for RepliconServer, RepliconClient and ServerEvent. You can also use bevy_replicon_renet as a reference.


You need to add RepliconPlugins and plugins for your chosen messaging backend to your app:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_replicon::prelude::*;

let mut app = App::new();
app.add_plugins((MinimalPlugins, RepliconPlugins, MyMessagingPlugins));

If you are planning to separate client and server you can use PluginGroupBuilder::disable() to disable ClientPlugin or ServerPlugin on RepliconPlugins. You will need to disable similar plugins on your messaing library of choice too.

You can also configure how often updates are sent from server to clients with ServerPlugin’s TickPolicy:

        .set(ServerPlugin {
            tick_policy: TickPolicy::MaxTickRate(60),

§Server and client creation

This part is customized based on your messaging backend. For bevy_replicon_renet see this section.

The backend will update the RepliconServer or RepliconClient resources, which can be interacted with without knowing what backend is used. Those resources typically don’t need to be used directly, it is preferred to use more high-level abstractions described later.

Never initialize a client and server in the same app for single-player, it will cause a replication loop. Use the described pattern in system sets and conditions in combination with network events.

§Component replication

It’s a process of sending component changes from server to clients in order to keep the world in sync.

§Marking for replication

By default, no components are replicated. A component will be replicated if it has been registered for replication and its entity has the Replication component.

In other words you need two things to start replication:

  1. Register component type for replication. Component should implement Serialize and Deserialize. You can use AppReplicationExt::replicate() to register the component for replication:

#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct DummyComponent;

If your component contains an entity then it cannot be deserialized as is because entity IDs are different on server and client. The client should do the mapping. Therefore, to replicate such components properly, they need to implement the MapEntities trait and register using AppReplicationExt::replicate_mapped():

#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct MappedComponent(Entity);

impl MapEntities for MappedComponent {
    fn map_entities<T: EntityMapper>(&mut self, mapper: &mut T) {
        self.0 = mapper.map_entity(self.0);

By default all components serialized with bincode using DefaultOptions. If your component doesn’t implement serde traits or you want to serialize it partially you can use AppReplicationExt::replicate_with:

use std::io::Cursor;

use bevy::{prelude::*, ptr::Ptr};
use bevy_replicon::{
    core::{replication_rules, replicon_tick::RepliconTick},


/// Serializes only translation.
fn serialize_transform(component: Ptr, cursor: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> bincode::Result<()> {
    // SAFETY: Function called for registered `ComponentId`.
    let transform: &Transform = unsafe { component.deref() };
    bincode::serialize_into(cursor, &transform.translation)

/// Deserializes translation and creates [`Transform`] from it.
fn deserialize_transform(
    entity: &mut EntityWorldMut,
    _entity_map: &mut ServerEntityMap,
    cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
    _replicon_tick: RepliconTick,
) -> bincode::Result<()> {
    let translation: Vec3 = bincode::deserialize_from(cursor)?;


The used remove_component is the default component removal, but you can replace it with your own as well.

  1. You need to choose entities you want to replicate using Replication component. Just insert it to the entity you want to replicate. Only components marked for replication through AppReplicationExt::replicate() will be replicated.

If you need to disable replication for a specific component on an entity, you can call CommandDontReplicateExt::dont_replicate::<T> on it and replication will be skipped for T.

§Tick and fixed timestep games

The ServerPlugin sends replication data in PostUpdate any time the RepliconTick resource changes. By default, its incremented in PostUpdate per the TickPolicy.

If you set TickPolicy::Manual, you can increment RepliconTick at the start of your game loop inside FixedMain. This value can represent your simulation step, and is made available to the client in the custom deserialization, despawn and component removal functions.

One use for this is rollback networking: you may want to rollback time and apply the update for the tick frame, which is in the past, then resimulate.

§Mapping to existing client entities

If you want the server to replicate an entity into a client entity that was already spawned on a client, see ClientEntityMap.

This can be useful for certain types of game. For example, spawning bullets on the client immediately without waiting on replication.

§“Blueprints” pattern

The idea was borrowed from iyes_scene_tools. You don’t want to replicate all components because not all of them are necessary to send over the network. Components that computed based on other components (like GlobalTransform) can be inserted after replication. This can be easily done using a system with an Added query filter. This way, you detect when such entities are spawned into the world, and you can do any additional setup on them using code. For example, if you have a character with mesh, you can replicate only your Player component and insert necessary components after replication. If you want to avoid one frame delay, put your initialization systems to ClientSet::Receive:

.add_systems(PreUpdate, init_player.after(ClientSet::Receive));

fn init_player(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
    spawned_players: Query<Entity, Added<Player>>,
) {
    for entity in &spawned_players {

#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Player;

This pairs nicely with server state serialization and keeps saves clean. You can use replicate_into to fill DynamicScene with replicated entities and their components.

§Component relations

Sometimes components depend on each other. For example, Parent and Children In this case, you can’t just replicate the Parent because you not only need to add it to the Children of the parent, but also remove it from the Children of the old one. In this case, you need to create a third component that correctly updates the other two when it changes, and only replicate that one. This crate provides ParentSync component that replicates Bevy hierarchy. For your custom components with relations you need to write your own with a similar pattern.

§Network events

Network event replace RPCs (remote procedure calls) in other engines and, unlike components, can be sent both from server to clients and from clients to server.

§From client to server

To send specific events from client to server, you need to register the event with ClientEventAppExt::add_client_event() instead of App::add_event(). The event must be registered on both the client and the server in the same order.

Events include ChannelKind to configure delivery guarantees (reliability and ordering). You can alternatively pass in RepliconChannel with more advanced configuration.

These events will appear on server as FromClient wrapper event that contains sender ID and the sent event. We consider server or a single-player session also as a client with ID ClientId::SERVER. So you can send such events even on server and FromClient will be emitted for them too. This way your game logic will work the same on client, listen server and in single-player session.

For systems that receive events attach has_authority condition to receive a message on non-client instances (server or single-player):

    .add_systems(Update, (send_events, receive_events.run_if(has_authority)));

/// Sends an event from client or listen server.
fn send_events(mut dummy_events: EventWriter<DummyEvent>) {

/// Receives event on server and single-player.
fn receive_events(mut dummy_events: EventReader<FromClient<DummyEvent>>) {
    for FromClient { client_id, event } in {
        info!("received event {event:?} from {client_id:?}");

#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Event, Serialize)]
struct DummyEvent;

Just like components, if an event contains an entity, then the client should map it before sending it to the server. To do this, use ClientEventAppExt::add_mapped_client_event() and implement MapEntities:


#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Event, Serialize, Clone)]
struct MappedEvent(Entity);

impl MapEntities for MappedEvent {
    fn map_entities<T: EntityMapper>(&mut self, entity_mapper: &mut T) {
        self.0 = entity_mapper.map_entity(self.0);

As shown above, mapped client events must also implement Clone.

There is also ClientEventAppExt::add_client_event_with() to register an event with special sending and receiving functions. This could be used for sending events that contain Box<dyn Reflect>, which require access to the AppTypeRegistry resource. Don’t forget to validate the contents of every Box<dyn Reflect> from a client, it could be anything!

§From server to client

A similar technique is used to send events from server to clients. To do this, register the event with ServerEventAppExt::add_server_event() server event and send it from server using ToClients. The event must be registered on both the client and the server in the same order. This wrapper contains send parameters and the event itself. Just like events sent from the client, you can send these events on the server or in single-player and they will appear locally as regular events (if ClientId::SERVER is not excluded from the send list):

    .add_systems(Update, (send_events, receive_events.run_if(has_authority)));

/// Sends an event from server or single-player.
fn send_events(mut dummy_events: EventWriter<ToClients<DummyEvent>>) {
    dummy_events.send(ToClients {
        mode: SendMode::Broadcast,
        event: DummyEvent,

/// Receives event on client and single-player.
fn receive_events(mut dummy_events: EventReader<DummyEvent>) {
    for event in {
        info!("received event {event:?} from server");

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Event, Serialize)]
struct DummyEvent;

Just like with client events, if the event contains an entity, then ServerEventAppExt::add_mapped_server_event() should be used instead.

For events that require special sending and receiving functions you can use ServerEventAppExt::add_server_event_with().

§System sets and conditions

When configuring systems for multiplayer game, you often want to run some systems only on when you have authority over the world simulation (on server or in single-player session). For example, damage registration or procedural level generation systems. For this just add has_authority condition on such system. If you want your systems to run only on frames when server send updates to clients use ServerSet::Send.

To check if you are running a server or client, you can use server_running and client_connected conditions. They rarely used for gameplay systems (since you write the same logic for multiplayer and single-player!), but could be used for server creation / connection systems and corresponding UI.

§Client visibility

You can control which parts of the world are visible for each client by setting visibility policy in ServerPlugin to VisibilityPolicy::Whitelist or VisibilityPolicy::Blacklist.

In order to set which entity is visible, you need to use the ConnectedClients resource to obtain the ConnectedClient for a specific client and get its ClientVisibility:

    RepliconPlugins.set(ServerPlugin {
        visibility_policy: VisibilityPolicy::Whitelist, // Makes all entities invisible for clients by default.
.add_systems(Update, update_visibility.run_if(server_running));

/// Disables the visibility of other players' entities that are further away than the visible distance.
fn update_visibility(
    mut connected_clients: ResMut<ConnectedClients>,
    moved_players: Query<(&Transform, &Player), Changed<Transform>>,
    other_players: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &Player)>,
) {
    for (moved_transform, moved_player) in &moved_players {
        let client = connected_clients.client_mut(moved_player.0);
        for (entity, transform, _) in other_players
            .filter(|(.., player)| player.0 != moved_player.0)
            const VISIBLE_DISTANCE: f32 = 100.0;
            let distance = moved_transform.translation.distance(transform.translation);
                .set_visibility(entity, distance < VISIBLE_DISTANCE);

#[derive(Component, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Player(ClientId);

For a higher level API consider using bevy_replicon_attributes.

§Eventual consistency

All events, inserts, removals and despawns will be applied to clients in the same order as on the server.

Entity component updates are grouped by entity, and component groupings may be applied to clients in a different order than on the server. For example, if two entities are spawned in tick 1 on the server and their components are updated in tick 2, then the client is guaranteed to see the spawns at the same time, but the component updates may appear in different client ticks.

If a component is dependent on other data, updates to the component will only be applied to the client when that data has arrived. So if your component references another entity, updates to that component will only be applied when the referenced entity has been spawned on the client.

Updates for despawned entities will be discarded automatically, but events or components may reference despawned entities and should be handled with that in mind.

Clients should never assume their world state is the same as the server’s on any given tick value-wise. World state on the client is only “eventually consistent” with the server’s.


To reduce packet size there are the following limits per replication update:

  • Up to u16::MAX entities that have added components with up to u16::MAX bytes of component data.
  • Up to u16::MAX entities that have changed components with up to u16::MAX bytes of component data.
  • Up to u16::MAX entities that have removed components with up to u16::MAX bytes of component data.
  • Up to u16::MAX entities that were despawned.


