Module bevy_rapier3d::dynamics

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Components related to physics dynamics (rigid-bodies, velocities, etc.)


Information used for Continuous-Collision-Detection.
Damping factors to gradually slow down a rigid-body.
The dominance groups of a rigid-body.
Constant external forces applied continuously to a rigid-body.
Instantaneous external impulse applied continuously to a rigid-body.
A fixed joint, locks all relative motion between two bodies.
Create fixed joints using the builder pattern.
The description of any joint.
Create generic joints using the builder pattern.
Gravity is multiplied by this scaling factor before it’s applied to this rigid-body.
An impulse-based joint attached to two entities.
Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.
Center-of-mass, mass, and angular inertia.
An joint based on generalized coordinates, attached to two entities.
A prismatic joint, locks all relative motion between two bodies except for translation along the joint’s principal axis.
Create prismatic joints using the builder pattern.
The handle of an impulse joint added to the physics scene.
The handle of a multibody joint added to the physics scene.
The Rapier handle of a rigid-body that was inserted to the physics scene.
Center-of-mass, mass, and angular inertia.
A revolute joint, locks all relative motion except for rotation along the joint’s principal axis.
Create revolute joints using the builder pattern.
Indicates whether or not the rigid-body is disabled explicitly by the user.
The activation status of a body.
A spherical joint, locks all relative translations between two bodies.
Create spherical joints using the builder pattern.
If the TimestepMode::Interpolated mode is set and this component is present, the associated rigid-body will have its position automatically interpolated between the last two rigid-body positions set by the physics engine.
The velocity of a rigid-body.


Mass-properties of a rigid-body, added to the contributions of its attached colliders.
Rules used to combine two coefficients.
A rigid-body.