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Utilities for handling prototype cycles.

A prototype cycle is where a prototype recursively depends on itself. This means it can be found within its own template inheritance chain or within its own children hierarchy.

For example, take the following set of prototypes:

name: A,
templates: [B],
children: [C]
name: B,
templates: [D],
children: []
name: C,
templates: [],
children: [A]
name: D,
templates: [],
children: [B]

If we try to load A, we come across two cycles.

One of them is in A’s children hierarchy:

A contains C which contains A

The other is in A’s template inheritance chain:

"A" inherits "B" which inherits "D" which contains "B"

These prototypes will need to be redesigned in order to avoid the cycle.

Alternatively, if this behavior is expected— or even intended— the cycle can be ignored with the proper CycleResponse.


  • Contains information about a detected prototype cycle.
