Expand description

Plotting library for the Bevy game engine. To quickly get started, run a Bevy App, add the PlotPlugin to the App, instantiate a Plot struct, and either use the

  • Plot::plot(my_data: impl Plotable) method for a regular graph, the
  • Plot::plotm(my_data: impl Plotable) method for a scatter plot (or plot with markers), or the
  • Plot::plot_func(my_function: fn(f32, f32) -> 32) method that supports plotting of explicit functions.

The my_data argument of either of the first two methods has to implement the Plotable trait (e.g. Vec<Vec2>, Vec<(f32, f32)>, Vec<f32>, etc.). In the third option, my_function is an explicit function that takes two arguments (x and time) and returns a f32.

The following code can be found in examples/minimal.rs:

 use bevy::prelude::*;
 use bevy_plot::*;
 fn main() {
 fn setup(mut commands: Commands, mut plots: ResMut<Assets<Plot>>) {
     let mut plot = Plot::default();
     let xs = (0..30).map(|i| i as f32 / 30.0).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
     let ys = xs
         .map(|x| Vec2::new(*x, 0.5 * x))
     let plot_handle = plots.add(plot.clone());

For customizing the look of the curves and markers, see the Opt enum for the available options together with the Plot::plotopt and Plot::plotopt_func methods. For customizing the canvas (grid, colors, etc…), see the Plot fields. Setting the range of the x and y axes is done with the Plot::set_bounds(lo, up) method, but bevy_plot panics if lo.x > up.x or lo.y > up.y.

Note that the library allows the user to

  • zoom in and out with the mousewheel,
  • move the origin with the mouse by pressing and dragging,
  • spawn a target and the corresponding coordinates by pressing the middle mouse button, and
  • change the Plot fields at runtime (see examples/runtime_setter.rs).



Component that serves as identification for the nth curve group of the bezier_groups field of PlotData.

Struct containing the data to be plotted and metaparameters of any explicit function plot. It can be found in the data.bezier_groups sub-field of a Plot. The reason for its name is that bevy_plot interpolates between samples of the function using quadratic bezier curves.

Struct containing the data to be plotted and metaparameters of a marker (or scatter) plot. It can be found in the data.marker_groups sub-field of a Plot.

Contains all relevant information to both the look of the canvas and the data to be plotted.

The data for each type of plot has to be accessed though this struct first. Each element of a Vec corresponds to a particular curve on the graph.

Main plugin for bevy_plot

Upon modifying any of the plot fields, use this event to update the the view (shaders). For updating a scatter plot (markers) or a regular plot (segments), send the RespawnAllEvent event. Bevy Plot will then despawn all the entities and respawn them with the updated information.

Struct containing the data to be plotted and metaparameters of a segment (or regular) plot. It can be found in the data.segment_groups sub-field of a Plot.

See the animate.rs example, where UpdateBezierShaderEvent is used to tell bevy_plot that the view for an explicit function needs to be updated.


The None variant can be used to avoid spawning the segments of a regular plot when calling plotopt(), leaving only the markers.

Type of markers for a given marker plot.

Options for customizing the appearance of the plot.



To get a particular color, get the color from the hashmap with a key of the PlotColor enum. Then get the shade of this color from the Vec of colors, the higher the index the darker the shade.