Systemparam to have a shorthand for creating http calls in systems
Wrapper around EntityCommands to create the on_response and on_error
Marker component that is used to despawn an entity if the reqwest is finshed
A set of HTTP headers
Wrapper around the ReqwestClient, that when inserted as a resource will start connection pools towards
the hosts, and also allows all the configuration from the ReqwestLibrary such as setting default headers etc
to be used inside the bevy application
Dont touch these, its just to poll once every request, can be used to detect if there is an active request on the entity
but should otherwise NOT be added/removed/changed by a user of this Crate
Plugin that allows to send http request using the
reqwest library from
inside bevy.
the resulting data from a finished request is found here
that Reqwest systems are added to.
An HTTP status code (status-code
in RFC 7230 et al.).
Represents a version of the HTTP spec.