Crate bevy_blob_loader

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This crate provides a Bevy plugin for loading assets from JavaScript blob URLs. This is useful for taking input from the user within a browser, such as a file upload or drag-and-drop.


After adding BlobLoaderPlugin to your Bevy app, you can load assets from blob URLs like so:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_blob_loader::path::serialize_url;
fn my_system(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
  let blob_url = "blob:";

  // Note, we have to serialize the URL into a special format for Bevy to recognize it.
  // This takes in the file extension of the asset, which Bevy uses to determine how to
  // process the fetched asset.
  let serialized = serialize_url(&blob_url, "png");

  let handle: Handle<Image> = asset_server.load(serialized);

