
CollisionBoxes are defined as tuples, with the first reperesenting the width and second the height of the collision box.
A bundle for adding a collision
Contains information about the state of the collision(s)
A component that defines which collisions the attached object should collide with
A resource defining the gravity direction and strength
A bundle for physics-movement, without collision included
A resource consisting of options for the physics-engine
Bevy plugin for handling Physics on the applicable RigidBodies
Sensors are a bit like collisions, but instead of limiting overlapping collision boxes, it just registers overlap to the SensorData and other systems can use this info
A bundle for adding sensors
A component that contains information about the state of a sensor
Contains information about which sensors a sensor should activate with
A component defining the velocity in the current frame


A component describing what type of RigidBody we want to use (Static can’t move, Kinematic doesn’t have gravity, but is movable and Dynamic is movable and has gravity)


Calculate how much the entity should move in the next frame based on the velocity and collision data