Module bevy::sprite

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Items for sprites, rects, texture atlases, etc.


Utilities for detecting if and on which side two axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) collide.


A 2d material that renders 2d meshes with a texture tinted by a uniform color
The GPU representation of the uniform data of a ColorMaterial.
Render pipeline data for a given Material2d
Adds the necessary ECS resources and render logic to enable rendering entities using the given Material2d asset type (which includes Material2d types).
A component bundle for entities with a Mesh2dHandle and a Material2d.
Component for rendering with meshes in the 2d pipeline, usually with a 2d material such as ColorMaterial.
All Material2d values of a given type that should be prepared next frame.
Data prepared for a Material2d instance.
Stores all prepared representations of Material2d assets for as long as they exist.
A Bundle of components for drawing a single sprite from a sprite sheet (also referred to as a TextureAtlas)
An atlas containing multiple textures (like a spritesheet or a tilemap). Example usage animating sprite. Example usage loading sprite sheet.
A builder which is used to create a texture atlas from many individual sprites.


How a sprite is positioned relative to its Transform. It defaults to Anchor::Center.



Materials are used alongside Material2dPlugin and MaterialMesh2dBundle to spawn entities that are rendered with a specific Material2d type. They serve as an easy to use high level way to render Mesh2dHandle entities with custom shader logic.


Type Definitions