

/// A Draw function identifier.

Stores all draw functions for the PhaseItem type hidden behind a reader-writer lock. To access them the DrawFunctions::read and DrawFunctions::write methods are used.

Stores all draw functions for the PhaseItem type. For retrieval they are associated with their TypeId.

Tracks the current TrackedRenderPass state to ensure draw calls are valid.

Wraps a RenderCommand into a state so that it can be used as a Draw function. Therefore the RenderCommand::Param is queried from the ECS and passed to the command.

A resource to collect and sort draw requests for specific PhaseItems.

A [RenderPass], which tracks the current pipeline state to ensure all draw calls are valid. It is used to set the current RenderPipeline, BindGroups and buffers. After all requirements are specified, draw calls can be issued.



Registers a RenderCommand as a Draw function. They are stored inside the DrawFunctions resource of the app.

A PhaseItem that can be batched dynamically.

A draw function which is used to draw a specific PhaseItem.

An item which will be drawn to the screen. A phase item should be queued up for rendering during the RenderStage::Queue stage. Afterwards it will be sorted and rendered automatically in the RenderStage::PhaseSort stage and RenderStage::Render stage, respectively.

RenderCommand is a trait that runs an ECS query and produces one or more TrackedRenderPass calls. Types implementing this trait can be composed (as tuples).


This system batches the PhaseItems of all RenderPhases of this type.

This system sorts all RenderPhases for the PhaseItem type.