Trait bevy::reflect::Struct

pub trait Struct: Reflect {
    // Required methods
    fn field(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&(dyn Reflect + 'static)>;
    fn field_mut(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<&mut (dyn Reflect + 'static)>;
    fn field_at(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&(dyn Reflect + 'static)>;
    fn field_at_mut(
        &mut self,
        index: usize
    ) -> Option<&mut (dyn Reflect + 'static)>;
    fn name_at(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&str>;
    fn field_len(&self) -> usize;
    fn iter_fields(&self) -> FieldIter<'_> ;
    fn clone_dynamic(&self) -> DynamicStruct;
Expand description

A trait used to power struct-like operations via reflection.

This trait uses the Reflect trait to allow implementors to have their fields be dynamically addressed by both name and index.

When using #[derive(Reflect)] on a standard struct, this trait will be automatically implemented. This goes for unit structs as well.


use bevy_reflect::{Reflect, Struct};

struct Foo {
    bar: u32,

let foo = Foo { bar: 123 };

assert_eq!(foo.field_len(), 1);
assert_eq!(foo.name_at(0), Some("bar"));

let field: &dyn Reflect = foo.field("bar").unwrap();
assert_eq!(field.downcast_ref::<u32>(), Some(&123));

Required Methods§

fn field(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&(dyn Reflect + 'static)>

Returns a reference to the value of the field named name as a &dyn Reflect.

fn field_mut(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<&mut (dyn Reflect + 'static)>

Returns a mutable reference to the value of the field named name as a &mut dyn Reflect.

fn field_at(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&(dyn Reflect + 'static)>

Returns a reference to the value of the field with index index as a &dyn Reflect.

fn field_at_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut (dyn Reflect + 'static)>

Returns a mutable reference to the value of the field with index index as a &mut dyn Reflect.

fn name_at(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&str>

Returns the name of the field with index index.

fn field_len(&self) -> usize

Returns the number of fields in the struct.

fn iter_fields(&self) -> FieldIter<'_>

Returns an iterator over the values of the reflectable fields for this struct.

fn clone_dynamic(&self) -> DynamicStruct

Clones the struct into a DynamicStruct.

Trait Implementations§


impl GetField for dyn Struct


fn get_field<T>(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&T>
where T: Reflect,

Returns a reference to the value of the field named name, downcast to T.

fn get_field_mut<T>(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<&mut T>
where T: Reflect,

Returns a mutable reference to the value of the field named name, downcast to T.



impl Struct for AnimationClip


impl Struct for AnimationPlayer


impl Struct for EntityPath


impl Struct for VariableCurve


impl Struct for AssetIndex


impl Struct for GlobalVolume


impl Struct for PlaybackSettings


impl Struct for SpatialListener


impl Struct for Name


impl Struct for BloomPrefilterSettings


impl Struct for BloomSettings


impl Struct for ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings


impl Struct for Camera2d
where Camera2d: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for Camera3d


impl Struct for TemporalAntiAliasSettings


impl Struct for Fxaa


impl Struct for DeferredPrepass


impl Struct for DepthPrepass


impl Struct for MotionVectorPrepass


impl Struct for NormalPrepass


impl Struct for ComponentTicks


impl Struct for Tick


impl Struct for EntityHash
where EntityHash: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for AabbGizmoConfigGroup


impl Struct for ShowAabbGizmo


impl Struct for DefaultGizmoConfigGroup


impl Struct for GizmoConfig


impl Struct for GltfExtras


impl Struct for AxisSettings


impl Struct for ButtonAxisSettings


impl Struct for ButtonSettings


impl Struct for Gamepad


impl Struct for GamepadAxis


impl Struct for GamepadAxisChangedEvent


impl Struct for GamepadButton


impl Struct for GamepadButtonChangedEvent


impl Struct for GamepadButtonInput


impl Struct for GamepadConnectionEvent


impl Struct for GamepadInfo


impl Struct for GamepadSettings


impl Struct for KeyboardInput


impl Struct for MouseButtonInput


impl Struct for MouseMotion


impl Struct for MouseWheel


impl Struct for TouchInput


impl Struct for BVec2


impl Struct for BVec3


impl Struct for BVec4


impl Struct for Mat2


impl Struct for Mat3


impl Struct for Mat4


impl Struct for Quat


impl Struct for Vec2


impl Struct for Vec3


impl Struct for Vec4


impl Struct for IVec2


impl Struct for IVec3


impl Struct for IVec4


impl Struct for Capsule2d


impl Struct for Capsule3d


impl Struct for Circle


impl Struct for Cone


impl Struct for ConicalFrustum


impl Struct for Cuboid


impl Struct for Cylinder


impl Struct for Ellipse


impl Struct for Line2d


impl Struct for Line3d


impl Struct for Plane2d


impl Struct for Plane3d


impl Struct for Rectangle


impl Struct for RegularPolygon


impl Struct for Segment2d


impl Struct for Segment3d


impl Struct for Sphere


impl Struct for Torus


impl Struct for Triangle2d


impl Struct for Affine2


impl Struct for Affine3A


impl Struct for DAffine2


impl Struct for DAffine3


impl Struct for DMat2


impl Struct for DMat3


impl Struct for DMat4


impl Struct for DQuat


impl Struct for DVec2


impl Struct for DVec3


impl Struct for DVec4


impl Struct for I64Vec2


impl Struct for I64Vec3


impl Struct for I64Vec4


impl Struct for IRect


impl Struct for Mat3A


impl Struct for Rect


impl Struct for U64Vec2


impl Struct for U64Vec3


impl Struct for U64Vec4


impl Struct for URect


impl Struct for Vec3A


impl Struct for UVec2


impl Struct for UVec3


impl Struct for UVec4


impl Struct for EnvironmentMapLight


impl Struct for IrradianceVolume


impl Struct for AmbientLight


impl Struct for Cascade


impl Struct for CascadeShadowConfig


impl Struct for Cascades


impl Struct for CascadesVisibleEntities


impl Struct for ClusterZConfig


impl Struct for CubemapVisibleEntities


impl Struct for DirectionalLight


impl Struct for DirectionalLightShadowMap


impl Struct for FogSettings


impl Struct for LightProbe
where LightProbe: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for Lightmap


impl Struct for NotShadowCaster


impl Struct for NotShadowReceiver


impl Struct for PointLight


impl Struct for PointLightShadowMap


impl Struct for ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings


impl Struct for SpotLight


impl Struct for StandardMaterial


impl Struct for TransmittedShadowReceiver


impl Struct for NoWireframe
where NoWireframe: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for Wireframe
where Wireframe: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for WireframeColor


impl Struct for WireframeConfig


impl Struct for Camera


impl Struct for OrthographicProjection


impl Struct for PerspectiveProjection


impl Struct for Viewport


impl Struct for GlobalsUniform


impl Struct for MeshMorphWeights


impl Struct for MorphWeights


impl Struct for SkinnedMesh


impl Struct for Mesh


impl Struct for Aabb


impl Struct for CascadesFrusta


impl Struct for CubemapFrusta


impl Struct for Frustum
where Frustum: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for ColorGrading


impl Struct for NoFrustumCulling


impl Struct for VisibleEntities


impl Struct for BorderRect


impl Struct for ColorMaterial


impl Struct for Sprite


impl Struct for TextureAtlas


impl Struct for TextureAtlasLayout


impl Struct for TextureSlicer


impl Struct for GlyphAtlasInfo


impl Struct for PositionedGlyph


impl Struct for Text2dBounds


impl Struct for Text


impl Struct for TextLayoutInfo


impl Struct for TextSection


impl Struct for TextStyle


impl Struct for Fixed


impl Struct for Real


impl Struct for Stopwatch


impl Struct for Timer


impl Struct for Virtual


impl Struct for Transform


impl Struct for CalculatedClip


impl Struct for ContentSize
where ContentSize: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for GridPlacement


impl Struct for GridTrack


impl Struct for Node


impl Struct for Outline


impl Struct for Overflow


impl Struct for RelativeCursorPosition


impl Struct for RepeatedGridTrack


impl Struct for Style


impl Struct for UiImage


impl Struct for UiRect


impl Struct for Button
where Button: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for Label
where Label: Any + Send + Sync,


impl Struct for TextFlags


impl Struct for UiImageSize


impl Struct for Cursor


impl Struct for CursorEntered


impl Struct for CursorLeft


impl Struct for CursorMoved


impl Struct for EnabledButtons


impl Struct for InternalWindowState


impl Struct for PrimaryWindow


impl Struct for ReceivedCharacter


impl Struct for RequestRedraw


impl Struct for Window


impl Struct for WindowBackendScaleFactorChanged


impl Struct for WindowCloseRequested


impl Struct for WindowClosed


impl Struct for WindowCreated


impl Struct for WindowDestroyed


impl Struct for WindowFocused


impl Struct for WindowMoved


impl Struct for WindowOccluded


impl Struct for WindowResizeConstraints


impl Struct for WindowResized


impl Struct for WindowResolution


impl Struct for WindowScaleFactorChanged


impl Struct for WindowThemeChanged


impl Struct for DynamicStruct


impl<B, E> Struct for ExtendedMaterial<B, E>


impl<T> Struct for ButtonInput<T>
where T: Copy + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync + 'static + TypePath, ButtonInput<T>: Any + Send + Sync, HashSet<T>: FromReflect + TypePath,


impl<T> Struct for Time<T>


impl<const N: usize> Struct for Polygon<N>
where Polygon<N>: Any + Send + Sync, [Vec2; N]: FromReflect + TypePath,


impl<const N: usize> Struct for Polyline2d<N>


impl<const N: usize> Struct for Polyline3d<N>