Crate bevy

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Bevy is an open-source modular game engine built in Rust, with a focus on developer productivity and performance.

Check out the Bevy website for more information, read the Bevy Book for a step-by-step guide, and engage with our community if you have any questions or ideas!


Here is a simple “Hello World” Bevy app:

use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {

fn hello_world_system() {
   println!("hello world");

Don’t let the simplicity of the example above fool you. Bevy is a fully featured game engine and it gets more powerful every day!

This Crate

The bevy crate is just a container crate that makes it easier to consume Bevy subcrates. The defaults provide a “full” engine experience, but you can easily enable / disable features in your project’s Cargo.toml to meet your specific needs. See Bevy’s Cargo.toml for a full list of features available.

If you prefer, you can also consume the individual bevy crates directly. Each module in the root of this crate, except for the prelude, can be found on with bevy_ appended to the front, e.g. app -> bevy_app.

Cargo Features

Bevy exposes many features to customise the engine. Enabling them add functionalities but often come at the cost of longer compilation times and extra dependencies.

Default Features

The default feature set enables most of the expected features of a game engine, like rendering in both 2D and 3D, asset loading, audio and UI. To help reduce compilation time, consider disabling default features and enabling only those you need.

feature namedescription
android_shared_stdcxxEnable using a shared stdlib for cxx on Android
animationEnable animation support, and glTF animation loading
bevy_animationProvides animation functionality
bevy_assetProvides asset functionality
bevy_audioProvides audio functionality
bevy_core_pipelineProvides cameras and other basic render pipeline features
bevy_gilrsAdds gamepad support
bevy_gltfglTF support
bevy_pbrAdds PBR rendering
bevy_renderProvides rendering functionality
bevy_sceneProvides scene functionality
bevy_spriteProvides sprite functionality
bevy_textProvides text functionality
bevy_uiA custom ECS-driven UI framework
bevy_winitwinit window and input backend
filesystem_watcherEnable watching file system for asset hot reload
hdrHDR image format support
ktx2KTX2 compressed texture support
pngPNG image format support
tonemapping_lutsInclude tonemapping Look Up Tables KTX2 files
vorbisOGG/VORBIS audio format support
x11X11 display server support
zstdFor KTX2 supercompression

Optional Features

feature namedescription
accesskit_unixEnable AccessKit on Unix backends (currently only works with experimental screen readers and forks.)
basis-universalBasis Universal compressed texture support
bevy_ci_testingEnable systems that allow for automated testing on CI
bevy_dynamic_pluginPlugin for dynamic loading (using libloading)
bmpBMP image format support
ddsDDS compressed texture support
debug_asset_serverEnable the “debug asset server” for hot reloading internal assets
detailed_traceEnable detailed trace event logging. These trace events are expensive even when off, thus they require compile time opt-in
dynamic_linkingForce dynamic linking, which improves iterative compile times
exrEXR image format support
flacFLAC audio format support
jpegJPEG image format support
minimp3MP3 audio format support (through minimp3)
mp3MP3 audio format support
serializeEnable serialization support through serde
subpixel_glyph_atlasEnable rendering of font glyphs using subpixel accuracy
symphonia-aacAAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-allAAC, FLAC, MP3, MP4, OGG/VORBIS, and WAV audio formats support (through symphonia)
symphonia-flacFLAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-isomp4MP4 audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-vorbisOGG/VORBIS audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-wavWAV audio format support (through symphonia)
tgaTGA image format support
traceTracing support
trace_chromeTracing support, saving a file in Chrome Tracing format
trace_tracyTracing support, exposing a port for Tracy
wavWAV audio format support
waylandWayland display server support
wgpu_traceSave a trace of all wgpu calls
zlibFor KTX2 supercompression


  • Integrate with platform accessibility APIs.
  • Provides types and plugins for animations.
  • Build bevy apps, create plugins, and read events.
  • Load and store assets and resources for Apps.
  • Provides types and plugins for audio playback.
  • Contains core plugins.
  • Core render pipeline.
  • Useful diagnostic plugins and types for bevy apps.
  • Bevy’s entity-component-system.
  • Bevy interface with GilRs - “Game Input Library for Rust” - to handle gamepad inputs.
  • Support for GLTF file loading.
  • Entity hierarchies and property inheritance
  • Resources and events for inputs, e.g. mouse/keyboard, touch, gamepads, etc.
  • Logging capabilities
  • Math types (Vec3, Mat4, Quat, etc) and helpers.
  • Physically based rendering.
  • use bevy::prelude::*; to import common components, bundles, and plugins.
  • Utilities for working with untyped pointers in a more safe way.
  • Type reflection used for dynamically interacting with rust types.
  • Cameras, meshes, textures, shaders, and pipelines. Use RenderDevice::features, RenderDevice::limits, and the RenderAdapterInfo resource to get runtime information about the actual adapter, backend, features, and limits.
  • Save/load collections of entities and components to/from file.
  • Items for sprites, rects, texture atlases, etc.
  • Pools for async, IO, and compute tasks.
  • Text drawing, styling, and font assets.
  • Contains time utilities.
  • Local and global transforms (e.g. translation, scale, rotation).
  • User interface components and widgets.
  • Various miscellaneous utilities for easing development
  • Configuration, creation, and management of one or more windows.
  • Window creation, configuration, and handling


  • This plugin group will add all the default plugins for a Bevy application:
  • This plugin group will add the minimal plugins for a Bevy application: