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Bevy Sequential Actions

A Bevy library that aims to execute a queue of various actions in a sequential manner. This generally means that one action runs at a time, and when it is done, the next action will start and so on until the queue is empty.

Getting Started


In order for everything to work, the SequentialActionsPlugin must be added to your App.

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_sequential_actions::*;

fn main() {
Modifying Actions

An action is anything that implements the Action trait, and can be added to any Entity that contains the ActionsBundle. An entity with actions is referred to as an agent.

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    // Create entity with ActionsBundle
    let agent = commands.spawn_bundle(ActionsBundle::new()).id();

    // Add a single action with default config

    // Add multiple actions with custom config
        .config(AddConfig {
            // Add each action to the back of the queue
            order: AddOrder::Back,
            // Start the next action if nothing is currently running
            start: true,
            // Repeat the action
            repeat: Repeat::None,

    // Add a collection of actions that run in parallel.
    // This means that all actions will start and stop at the same time,
    // as the whole collection is treated as "one action".
Implementing an Action

The Action trait contains two methods:

  • The on_start method which is called when an action is started.
  • The on_stop method which is called when an action is stopped.

Every action is responsible for advancing the queue. There are two ways of doing this:

  • Using the ActionFinished component on an agent. By default, a system at the end of the frame will advance the queue if all active actions are finished. This is the typical approach as it composes well with other actions running in parallel.
  • Calling the next method on an agent. This simply advances the queue at the end of the current stage it was called in. Useful for short one-at-a-time actions.

A simple wait action follows.

pub struct WaitAction {
    duration: f32, // Seconds
    current: Option<f32>, // None

impl Action for WaitAction {
    fn on_start(&mut self, agent: Entity, world: &mut World, _commands: &mut ActionCommands) {
        // Take current duration (if paused), or use full duration
        let duration = self.current.take().unwrap_or(self.duration);

        // Run the wait system on the agent

    fn on_stop(&mut self, agent: Entity, world: &mut World, reason: StopReason) {
        // Remove the wait component from the agent
        let wait = world.entity_mut(agent).remove::<Wait>();

        // Store current duration when paused
        if let StopReason::Paused = reason {
            self.current = Some(wait.unwrap().0);

struct Wait(f32);

fn wait_system(mut wait_q: Query<(&mut Wait, &mut ActionFinished)>, time: Res<Time>) {
    for (mut wait, mut finished) in wait_q.iter_mut() {
        wait.0 -= time.delta_seconds();

        // Confirm finished state every frame
        if wait.0 <= 0.0 {

One thing to keep in mind is that you should not modify actions using World inside the Action trait. We cannot borrow a mutable action from an agent while also passing a mutable world to it. Since an action is detached from an agent when the trait methods are called, the logic for advancing the action queue will not work properly.

This is why ActionCommands was created, so you can modify actions inside the Action trait in a deferred way.

pub struct SetStateAction<T: StateData>(T);

impl<T: StateData> Action for SetStateAction<T> {
    fn on_start(&mut self, agent: Entity, world: &mut World, commands: &mut ActionCommands) {

        // Bad. The action queue will advance immediately.

        // Good. The action queue will advance a bit later.

        // Also good. Does the same as above.
        commands.add(move |w: &mut World| {

        // Also good. By default, the action queue will advance at the end of the frame.

    fn on_stop(&mut self, _agent: Entity, _world: &mut World, _reason: StopReason) {}


Helper macro for creating a collection of boxed actions.


Commands for modifying actions inside the Action trait.
Component for counting how many active actions have finished.
The component bundle that all entities with actions must have.
Configuration for an Action to be added.
Modify actions using ActionCommands.
Modify actions using Commands.
Modify actions using World.
The Plugin for this library that must be added to App in order for everything to work.


The queue order for an Action to be added.
The execution mode for a collection of actions to be added.
The repeat configuration for an Action to be added.
The reason why an Action was stopped.


The trait that all actions must implement.
Proxy method for modifying actions. Returns a type that implements ModifyActions.
Trait alias for a collection of actions.
Conversion into a BoxedAction.
Methods for modifying actions.

Type Definitions