bevy-input-sequence 0.2.0

Recognizes input sequences and send events failed to build bevy-input-sequence-0.2.0
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Visit the last successful build: bevy-input-sequence-0.1.0


This crate recognizes input sequences and sends events.

Use cases

  • Hotkeys
  • Cheat codes
  • Developer UI


cargo install bevy-input-sequence


Import symbols

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_input_sequence::*;

Define an event

#[derive(Event, Clone, Debug)]
struct MyEvent;

Add event as an input_sequence

fn main() {

Add a key sequence component

So long as one component is present, it will fire one event when the input sequence is entered. This crate re-exports the keyseq! macro for bevy from the keyseq crate.

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
        InputSequence::new(MyEvent, keyseq! { alt-X M })



The keycode example recognizes the key sequences W D S A and W A S D and fires a distinct event.

cargo run --example keycode


The keymod example recognizes ctrl-W ctrl-D ctrl-S ctrl-A and fires an event.

cargo run --example keymod


The gamepad_button example recognizes gamepad buttons North East South West or Y B A X on an Xbox controller and fires an event.

cargo run --example gamepad_button


The multiple_input example recognizes gamepad buttons North East South West, or Y B A X on an Xbox controller, or W D S A on a keyboard and fires an event.

cargo run --example multiple_input

Note: Either W D S A will be recognized from the keyboard, or Y B A X will be recognized from the controller. But a mixed sequence like W D A X will not currently be recognized. If this should be done and how exactly one should do it are under consideration. Please open an issue or PR if you have thoughts on this.


The run_if example recognizes Space and fires an event if it's in game mode. The Escape key toggles the app betwee n menu and game mode.

cargo run --example run_if

Advanced Usage

Add an event with a condition

Some key sequences you may only what to fire in particular modes. You can supply a condition that will only run if it's met. This works nicely with bevy States for example.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, States)]
enum AppState {

fn main() {
        .add_input_sequence_event_run_if::<MyEvent, _>(in_state(AppState::Menu))

See the "run_if" example for more details.

Add a input sequence component with a time limit

Input sequences can have time limits. Sequences must be completed within the time limit in order to fire the event.

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
        InputSequence::new(MyEvent, keyseq! { alt-X M })


bevy-input-sequence bevy
0.1.0 0.11
0.2.0 0.12
N/A 0.13


This crate is licensed under the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0.