Crate benchmarking

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This crate can be used to execute something and measure the execution time. It does not output anything to screens and filesystems.


const VEC_LENGTH: usize = 100;


let bench_result = benchmarking::measure_function(|measurer| {
    let mut vec: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_LENGTH);

    unsafe {

    for i in 0..VEC_LENGTH {
        measurer.measure(|| vec[i]);


println!("Reading a number from a vec takes {:?}!", bench_result.elapsed());
const VEC_LENGTH: usize = 100;


let bench_result = benchmarking::measure_function(|measurer| {
    let mut vec: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_LENGTH);

    measurer.measure(|| {
        for i in 0..VEC_LENGTH {


println!("Filling 0 to 99 into a vec takes {:?}!", bench_result.elapsed());
const VEC_LENGTH: usize = 100;


let bench_result = benchmarking::measure_function(|measurer| {
    let mut vec: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_LENGTH);

    for loop_seq in 0..VEC_LENGTH {
        measurer.measure(|| {


println!("Pushing a number into a vec takes {:?}!", bench_result.elapsed());
const VEC_LENGTH: usize = 100;


let bench_result = benchmarking::measure_function_n(2, |measurers| {
    let mut vec: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(VEC_LENGTH);

    for i in 0..VEC_LENGTH {
        measurers[1].measure(|| {

    for i in 0..VEC_LENGTH {
        measurers[0].measure(|| vec[i]);


println!("Reading a number from a vec takes {:?}!", bench_result[0].elapsed());
println!("Pushing a number into a vec takes {:?}!", bench_result[1].elapsed());

The warm_up and warm_up_with_duration functions of the benchmarking crate runs on one thread. To warm up all CPUs, you can use the warm_up_multi_thread and warm_up_multi_thread_with_duration functions instead. The measure_function and measure_function_with_times functions of the benchmarking crate can execute a closure for N times. To execute it repeatly for a while instead, you can use the bench_function and bench_function_with_duration functions. To execute a closure with multiple threads to measure the throughput, you can use the multi_thread_bench_function and multi_thread_bench_function_with_duration functions of the benchmarking crate.


The result of measurement.
To measure the execution time.



Run a function for 5 seconds and measure its execution time.
Run a function for 5 seconds and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a specific duration and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a specific duration and measure its execution time.
Run a function 10 times and measure its execution time.
Run a function 10 times and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a specific times and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a specific times and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a number of threads for 5 seconds and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a number of threads for 5 seconds and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a number of threads and a specific duration and measure its execution time.
Run a function with a number of threads and a specific duration and measure its execution time.
To stimulate CPU to wake up. The running duration is 3 seconds.
To stimulate CPUs to wake up.
To stimulate CPUs to wake up. The running duration is 3 seconds.
To stimulate CPU to wake up.