pub trait ConstraintSystem<Scalar: PrimeField>: Sized + Send {
    type Root: ConstraintSystem<Scalar>;

    fn alloc<F, A, AR>(
        &mut self,
        annotation: A,
        f: F
    ) -> Result<Variable, SynthesisError>
        F: FnOnce() -> Result<Scalar, SynthesisError>,
        A: FnOnce() -> AR,
        AR: Into<String>
; fn alloc_input<F, A, AR>(
        &mut self,
        annotation: A,
        f: F
    ) -> Result<Variable, SynthesisError>
        F: FnOnce() -> Result<Scalar, SynthesisError>,
        A: FnOnce() -> AR,
        AR: Into<String>
; fn enforce<A, AR, LA, LB, LC>(&mut self, annotation: A, a: LA, b: LB, c: LC)
        A: FnOnce() -> AR,
        AR: Into<String>,
        LA: FnOnce(LinearCombination<Scalar>) -> LinearCombination<Scalar>,
        LB: FnOnce(LinearCombination<Scalar>) -> LinearCombination<Scalar>,
        LC: FnOnce(LinearCombination<Scalar>) -> LinearCombination<Scalar>
; fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
        NR: Into<String>,
        N: FnOnce() -> NR
; fn pop_namespace(&mut self); fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root; fn new() -> Self { ... } fn one() -> Variable { ... } fn namespace<NR, N>(
        &mut self,
        name_fn: N
    ) -> Namespace<'_, Scalar, Self::Root>
        NR: Into<String>,
        N: FnOnce() -> NR
, { ... } fn is_extensible() -> bool { ... } fn extend(&mut self, _other: Self) { ... } }
Expand description

Represents a constraint system which can have new variables allocated and constrains between them formed.

Required Associated Types

Represents the type of the “root” of this constraint system so that nested namespaces can minimize indirection.

Required Methods

Allocate a private variable in the constraint system. The provided function is used to determine the assignment of the variable. The given annotation function is invoked in testing contexts in order to derive a unique name for this variable in the current namespace.

Allocate a public variable in the constraint system. The provided function is used to determine the assignment of the variable.

Enforce that A * B = C. The annotation function is invoked in testing contexts in order to derive a unique name for the constraint in the current namespace.

Create a new (sub)namespace and enter into it. Not intended for downstream use; use namespace instead.

Exit out of the existing namespace. Not intended for downstream use; use namespace instead.

Gets the “root” constraint system, bypassing the namespacing. Not intended for downstream use; use namespace instead.

Provided Methods

Return the “one” input variable

Begin a namespace for this constraint system.

Most implementations of ConstraintSystem are not ‘extensible’: they won’t implement a specialized version of extend and should therefore also keep the default implementation of is_extensible so callers which optionally make use of extend can know to avoid relying on it when unimplemented.

Extend concatenates thew other constraint systems to the receiver, modifying the receiver, whose inputs, allocated variables, and constraints will precede those of the other constraint system. The primary use case for this is parallel synthesis of circuits which can be decomposed into entirely independent sub-circuits. Each can be synthesized in its own thread, then the original ConstraintSystem can be extended with each, in the same order they would have been synthesized sequentially.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Convenience implementation of ConstraintSystem for mutable references to constraint systems.
