[][src]Module basic::__Chapter_2::DIM

DIM <variable name>(<dimensions>)[,...]


Prepare an array by defining its dimensions and size.


Arrays are sparse. You can, for example, define a 32767 by 32767 array of 1073676300 elements. The number of values that can be stored is 64K for all variables combined. Index values are integers in the range of 0-32767. Accessing an array before it is dimensioned automatically defines it with a dimension of 10. The index is inclusive so DIM X(10) allows the use of X(0) to X(10)


10 DIM A$(100), X(10,10)
20 A$(42)="THE ANSWER"
30 X(4,2)=2.7182818
40 PRINT A$(42)+"!", X(4,2)
THE ANSWER!    2.7182817