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#![doc = include_str!(“../README.md”)]


pub use helpers::*;


Defines the pool structs and their methods.

Defines the vault struct and its methods.


Simple conversion from a string slice to an Address

Simple conversion from a string slice to an I256

Simple conversion from a string slice to an U256


Generated by ethcontract


The FundManagement struct defines where the input tokens for the first swap are coming from and where any tokens received from swaps should be sent. See Balancer documentation

Little-endian 256-bit signed integer.

PoolBalanceOp describes the type of operation (deposit/withdraw/update), the pool ID, the token, and the amount.

A secret key used for signing and hashing.

The SingleSwap struct defines which pool we’re trading with and what kind of swap we want to perform.

Little-endian large integer type 256-bit unsigned integer.


The account type used for signing the transaction.

Withdraw, Deposit, Update,

General, MinimalSwapInfo, TwoToken,

GivenIn, GivenOut


Parse a value from a string

Type Definitions