Module bacon_sci_1::constants[][src]


Newtonian gravitational constant, G, m^3 / kg s^2

Molar gas constant, R, J / mol K

Avogadro constant, N_A, 1/ mol

Boltzmann constant, k, J/K

Speed of light in a vacuum, m/s

Elementary charge, e, C

Mass of an electron, kg

Fine structure constant, α, unitless

Gravitational acceleration on Earth’s surface, m / s^2

Plank constant, h, J

Reduced plank constant, ħ, J s

Mass of an neutron kg

Permeability of free space, μ₀, N/A^2

Permittivity of free space, ε₀, F/

Mass of an proton kg

Rydberg constant, R_inf, 1/m

Stefan-Boltzmann constant, σ, W / m^2 K^4

Wien displacement law constant, b, wavelength, m K

Wien displacement law constant, b’, frequency, Hz /K


NIST CODATA. Maps a string of a value name to a triplet containing an f64 of its value, an f64 of its uncertainty, and a string of its units