Crate azul_webrender[][src]

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A GPU based renderer for the web.

It serves as an experimental render backend for Servo, but it can also be used as such in a standalone application.

External dependencies

WebRender currently depends on FreeType

Api Structure

The main entry point to WebRender is the crate::Renderer.

By calling Renderer::new(...) you get a Renderer, as well as a RenderApiSender. Your Renderer is responsible to render the previously processed frames onto the screen.

By calling yourRenderApiSender.create_api(), you’ll get a RenderApi instance, which is responsible for managing resources and documents. A worker thread is used internally to untie the workload from the application thread and therefore be able to make better use of multicore systems.


What is referred to as a frame, is the current geometry on the screen. A new Frame is created by calling set_display_list() on the RenderApi. When the geometry is processed, the application will be informed via a RenderNotifier, a callback which you pass to Renderer::new. More information about stacking contexts.

set_display_list() also needs to be supplied with BuiltDisplayLists. These are obtained by finalizing a DisplayListBuilder. These are used to draw your geometry. But it doesn’t only contain trivial geometry, it can also store another StackingContext, as they’re nestable.


pub extern crate api;
pub extern crate euclid;
pub use api as webrender_api;
pub use crate::intern::ItemUid;
pub use crate::render_api::*;


The interning module provides a generic data structure interning container. It is similar in concept to a traditional string interning container, but it is specialized to the WR thread model.


Meta-macro to enumerate the various interner identifiers and types.


A handle to a screenshot that is being asynchronously captured and scaled.

Flags to enable/disable various builtin debugging tools.

Debug information about a tile that was dirty and was rasterized

Information about the underlying data buffer of a mapped tile.

An arbitrary identifier for a native (OS compositor) surface

Information about a bound surface that the native compositor returns to WR.

Debug information about a set of picture cache slices, exposed via RenderResults

A handle to a recorded frame that was captured.

Return type from render(), which contains some repr(C) statistics as well as some non-repr(C) data.

The renderer is responsible for submitting to the GPU the work prepared by the RenderBackend.

Some basic statistics about the rendered scene, used in Gecko, as well as in wrench reftests to ensure that tests are batching and/or allocating on render targets as we expect them to.

Descriptor for a locked surface that will be directly composited by SWGL.

Flags that control how shaders are pre-cached, if at all.

Debug information about a set of picture cache tiles, exposed via RenderResults

Startup parameters for the texture cache.

A minimal subset of TileCacheInstance for debug capturing

Uniquely describes the content of this tile, in a way that can be (reasonably) efficiently hashed and compared.

A stable ID for a given tile, to help debugging. These are also used as unique identifiers for tile surfaces when using a native compositor.

A node in the dirty rect tracking quadtree.

A minimal subset of Tile for debug capturing


Optional extra information returned by is_same when logging is enabled.

Debugging information about why a tile was invalidated

The result of a primitive dependency comparison. Size is a u8 since this is a hot path in the code, and keeping the data small is a performance win.

A more detailed version of PrimitiveCompareResult used when debug logging is enabled.

Debug information about the state of a tile

Details for a node in a quadtree that tracks dirty rects for a tile.

Method of uploading texel data from CPU to GPU.


Use this hint for all vertex data re-initialization. This allows the driver to better re-use RBOs internally.


Allows callers to hook into the main render_backend loop and provide additional frame ops for generate_frame transactions. These functions are all called from the render backend thread.

A Compositor variant that supports mapping tiles into CPU memory.

Defines an interface to a non-native (application-level) Compositor which handles partial present. This is required if webrender must query the backbuffer’s age. TODO: Use the Compositor trait for native and non-native compositors, and integrate this functionality there.

Defines the interface for hooking up an external profiler to WR.

The interfaces that an application can implement to handle ProgramCache update

Allows callers to hook in at certain points of the async scene build. These functions are all called from the scene builder thread.


Set the profiler callbacks, or None to disable the profiler. This function must only ever be called before any WR instances have been created, or the hooks will not be set.

Type Definitions