Crate azalea_world

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A compact list of integers with the given number of bits per entry.
A single chunk in a world (16*?*16 blocks). This only contains the blocks and biomes. You can derive the height of the chunk from the number of sections, but you need a ChunkStorage to get the minimum Y coordinate.
A storage of potentially infinite chunks in a world. Chunks are stored as an Arc<Mutex> so they can be shared across threads.
An efficient storage of chunks for a client that has a limited render distance. This has support for using a shared WeakChunkStorage. If you have an infinite render distance (like a server), you should use ChunkStorage instead.
Store a map of entities by ID. To get an iterator over all entities, use WeakEntityStorage::entities.
A storage for chunks where they’re only stored weakly, so if they’re not actively being used somewhere else they’ll be forgotten. This is used for shared worlds.
Weakly store entities in a world. If the entities aren’t being referenced by anything else (like an PartialEntityStorage), they’ll be forgotten.
A world where the chunks are stored as weak pointers. This is used for shared worlds.
A container of WeakWorlds. Worlds are stored as a Weak pointer here, so if no clients are using a world it will be forgotten.
A world is a collection of chunks and entities. They’re called “levels” in Minecraft’s source code.
