Crate axum_jwt_ware

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  • All the different kind of keys we can use to decode a JWT. This key can be re-used so make sure you only initialize it once if you can for better performance.
  • A key to encode a JWT with. Can be a secret, a PEM-encoded key or a DER-encoded key. This key can be re-used so make sure you only initialize it once if you can for better performance.
  • An error that can occur when encoding/decoding JWTs
  • A basic JWT header, the alg defaults to HS256 and typ is automatically set to JWT. All the other fields are optional.
  • Contains the various validations that are applied after decoding a JWT.


  • The algorithms supported for signing/verifying JWTs


  • A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.
  • A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.


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