Derive Macro axum::extract::FromRef

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
Available on crate feature macros only.
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Derive an implementation of FromRef for each field in a struct.


use axum::{
    extract::{State, FromRef},

// This will implement `FromRef` for each field in the struct.
#[derive(FromRef, Clone)]
struct AppState {
    auth_token: AuthToken,
    database_pool: DatabasePool,
    // fields can also be skipped
    api_token: String,

// So those types can be extracted via `State`
async fn handler(State(auth_token): State<AuthToken>) {}

async fn other_handler(State(database_pool): State<DatabasePool>) {}

let state = AppState {
    api_token: "secret".to_owned(),

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(handler).post(other_handler))