Module axum_valid::form

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§Support for Form<T>


Enable the form feature (enabled by default) to use Valid<Form<T>>.


  1. Implement Deserialize and Validate for your data type T.
  2. In your handler function, use Valid<Form<T>> as some parameter’s type.


#[cfg(feature = "validator")]
mod validator_example {
    use axum::routing::post;
    use axum::Form;
    use axum::Router;
    use axum_valid::Valid;
    use serde::Deserialize;
    use validator::Validate;

    pub fn router() -> Router {
        Router::new().route("/form", post(handler))

    async fn handler(Valid(Form(parameter)): Valid<Form<Parameter>>) {
        // Support automatic dereferencing
        println!("v0 = {}, v1 = {}", parameter.v0, parameter.v1);

    #[derive(Validate, Deserialize)]
    pub struct Parameter {
        #[validate(range(min = 5, max = 10))]
        pub v0: i32,
        #[validate(length(min = 1, max = 10))]
        pub v1: String,

#[cfg(feature = "garde")]
mod garde_example {
    use axum::routing::post;
    use axum::Form;
    use axum::Router;
    use axum_valid::Garde;
    use serde::Deserialize;
    use garde::Validate;

    pub fn router() -> Router {
        Router::new().route("/form", post(handler))

    async fn handler(Garde(Form(parameter)): Garde<Form<Parameter>>) {
        // Support automatic dereferencing
        println!("v0 = {}, v1 = {}", parameter.v0, parameter.v1);

    #[derive(Validate, Deserialize)]
    pub struct Parameter {
        #[garde(range(min = 5, max = 10))]
        pub v0: i32,
        #[garde(length(min = 1, max = 10))]
        pub v1: String,