Crate axum_streams

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axum HTTP streaming body support for different formats:

  • JSON array stream format
  • JSON Lines (NL/NewLines) format
  • CSV stream format
  • Protobuf len-prefixed stream format

JSON Streaming is a term referring to streaming a stream of element as independent JSON objects as a continuous HTTP request or response.

This type of responses are useful when you are reading huge stream of objects from some source (such as database, file, etc) and want to avoid huge memory allocations to store on the server side.


use axum::{
    http::{StatusCode, header::CONTENT_TYPE},
    response::{Response, IntoResponse},
use futures::Stream;
use axum_streams::*;
use serde::Serialize;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
struct MyTestStructure {
    some_test_field: String

// Your possibly stream of objects
fn my_source_stream() -> impl Stream<Item=MyTestStructure> {
    // Simulating a stream with a plain vector and throttling to show how it works
    use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
        MyTestStructure {
            some_test_field: "test1".to_string()
        }; 1000

// Route implementation:
async fn test_json_array_stream() -> impl IntoResponse {
async fn test_json_nl_stream() -> impl IntoResponse {

async fn test_csv_stream() -> impl IntoResponse {
    // Which is the same as:
    // StreamBodyWith::new(CsvStreamFormat::new(
    //    true, // with_header
    //    b',' // CSV delimiter
    //), my_source_stream())

Need client support?

There is the same functionality for:
