Type Definition axum_core::response::Result

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pub type Result<T, E = ErrorResponse> = Result<T, E>;
Expand description

An IntoResponse-based result type that uses ErrorResponse as the error type.

All types which implement IntoResponse can be converted to an ErrorResponse. This makes it useful as a general purpose error type for functions which combine multiple distinct error types that all implement IntoResponse.


use axum::{
    response::{IntoResponse, Response},

// two fallible functions with different error types
fn try_something() -> Result<(), ErrorA> {
    // ...

fn try_something_else() -> Result<(), ErrorB> {
    // ...

// each error type implements `IntoResponse`
struct ErrorA;

impl IntoResponse for ErrorA {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {
        // ...

enum ErrorB {

impl IntoResponse for ErrorB {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {
        // ...

// we can combine them using `axum::response::Result` and still use `?`
async fn handler() -> axum::response::Result<&'static str> {
    // the errors are automatically converted to `ErrorResponse`

    Ok("it worked!")

As a replacement for std::result::Result

Since axum::response::Result has a default error type you only have to specify the Ok type:

use axum::{
    response::{IntoResponse, Response, Result},

// `Result<T>` automatically uses `ErrorResponse` as the error type.
async fn handler() -> Result<&'static str> {

    Ok("it worked!")

// You can still specify the error even if you've imported `axum::response::Result`
fn try_something() -> Result<(), StatusCode> {
    // ...

Trait Implementations§

Create a response.