Crate axoprocess

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Nicer defaults for invoking CLI Commands.

Cmd is a wrapper around std::process::Command with largely the same API except we want to be able to:

  • Produce nicer errors that explain what was being run (using thiserror/miette)
  • Log every time the command is executed (defaults tracing::info!)
  • Automatically check the return status’s success() (can be opted-out per Cmd)

If you like the defaults then mostly all you need to know is that Cmd::new takes a second argument for “what should I tell the user this Command was trying to do at a high level”.

This lets us turn the following logic:

let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo");

info!("exec {:?}", cmd);

let output = cmd.output()
  .map_err(|cause| MyCmdError {
      desc: "failed to get your cargo toolchain's version",

if !output.status.success() {
    Err(MyStatusError {
        desc: "failed to get your cargo toolchain's version",
        status: output.status

println!("version was {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));

Into this:

let output = Cmd::new("cargo", "get your cargo toolchain's version")

println!("version was {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));

Which is, a lot nicer!




  • A fancier Command, see the crate’s top-level docs!
