Expand description

Output structures for operations.



The AcceptDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccount response includes the following element.

The CancelDomainTransferToAnotherAwsAccount response includes the following element.

The CheckDomainAvailability response includes the following elements.

The CheckDomainTransferability response includes the following elements.

The DisableDomainTransferLock response includes the following element.

The EnableDomainTransferLock response includes the following elements.

The GetDomainDetail response includes the following elements.

The GetOperationDetail response includes the following elements.

The ListDomains response includes the following elements.

The ListOperations response includes the following elements.

The ListTagsForDomain response includes the following elements.

The RegisterDomain response includes the following element.

The RejectDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccount response includes the following element.

The RetrieveDomainAuthCode response includes the following element.

The TransferDomain response includes the following element.

The TransferDomainToAnotherAwsAccount response includes the following elements.

The UpdateDomainContact response includes the following element.

The UpdateDomainContactPrivacy response includes the following element.

The UpdateDomainNameservers response includes the following element.

The ViewBilling response includes the following elements.