Module aws_sdk_dynamodbstreams::types

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.


  • Builders
  • Error types that Amazon DynamoDB Streams can respond with.


  • Contains details about the type of identity that made the request.

  • Represents a single element of a key schema. A key schema specifies the attributes that make up the primary key of a table, or the key attributes of an index.

  • A description of a unique event within a stream.

  • The beginning and ending sequence numbers for the stream records contained within a shard.

  • A uniquely identified group of stream records within a stream.

  • Represents all of the data describing a particular stream.

  • Represents all of the data describing a particular stream.

  • A description of a single data modification that was performed on an item in a DynamoDB table.


  • Represents the data for an attribute.

  • When writing a match expression against KeyType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against OperationType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ShardIteratorType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against StreamStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against StreamViewType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.