Expand description

All operations that this crate can perform.


Operation customization and supporting types


Operation shape for BatchExecuteStatement.
Operation shape for BatchGetItem.
Operation shape for BatchWriteItem.
Operation shape for CreateBackup.
Operation shape for CreateGlobalTable.
Operation shape for CreateTable.
Operation shape for DeleteBackup.
Operation shape for DeleteItem.
Operation shape for DeleteTable.
Operation shape for DescribeBackup.
Operation shape for DescribeContinuousBackups.
Operation shape for DescribeContributorInsights.
Operation shape for DescribeEndpoints.
Operation shape for DescribeExport.
Operation shape for DescribeGlobalTable.
Operation shape for DescribeGlobalTableSettings.
Operation shape for DescribeImport.
Operation shape for DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination.
Operation shape for DescribeLimits.
Operation shape for DescribeTable.
Operation shape for DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling.
Operation shape for DescribeTimeToLive.
Operation shape for DisableKinesisStreamingDestination.
Operation shape for EnableKinesisStreamingDestination.
Operation shape for ExecuteStatement.
Operation shape for ExecuteTransaction.
Operation shape for ExportTableToPointInTime.
Operation shape for GetItem.
Operation shape for ImportTable.
Operation shape for ListBackups.
Operation shape for ListContributorInsights.
Operation shape for ListExports.
Operation shape for ListGlobalTables.
Operation shape for ListImports.
Operation shape for ListTables.
Operation shape for ListTagsOfResource.
Operation shape for PutItem.
Operation shape for Query.
Operation shape for RestoreTableFromBackup.
Operation shape for RestoreTableToPointInTime.
Operation shape for Scan.
Operation shape for TagResource.
Operation shape for TransactGetItems.
Operation shape for TransactWriteItems.
Operation shape for UntagResource.
Operation shape for UpdateContinuousBackups.
Operation shape for UpdateContributorInsights.
Operation shape for UpdateGlobalTable.
Operation shape for UpdateGlobalTableSettings.
Operation shape for UpdateItem.
Operation shape for UpdateTable.
Operation shape for UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling.
Operation shape for UpdateTimeToLive.