Module aws_sdk_codestar::error

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All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.



Error type for the AssociateTeamMember operation.

Another modification is being made. That modification must complete before you can make your change.

Error type for the CreateProject operation.
Error type for the CreateUserProfile operation.
Error type for the DeleteProject operation.
Error type for the DeleteUserProfile operation.
Error type for the DescribeProject operation.
Error type for the DescribeUserProfile operation.
Error type for the DisassociateTeamMember operation.

The next token is not valid.

The service role is not valid.

A resource limit has been exceeded.

Error type for the ListProjects operation.
Error type for the ListResources operation.
Error type for the ListTagsForProject operation.
Error type for the ListTeamMembers operation.
Error type for the ListUserProfiles operation.

An AWS CodeStar project with the same ID already exists in this region for the AWS account. AWS CodeStar project IDs must be unique within a region for the AWS account.

Project configuration information is required but not specified.

The project creation request was valid, but a nonspecific exception or error occurred during project creation. The project could not be created in AWS CodeStar.

The specified AWS CodeStar project was not found.

Error type for the TagProject operation.

The team member is already associated with a role in this project.

The specified team member was not found.

An unexpected error occurred (e.g., invalid JSON returned by the service or an unknown error code).
Error type for the UntagProject operation.
Error type for the UpdateProject operation.
Error type for the UpdateTeamMember operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserProfile operation.

A user profile with that name already exists in this region for the AWS account. AWS CodeStar user profile names must be unique within a region for the AWS account.

The user profile was not found.

The specified input is either not valid, or it could not be validated.


Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateTeamMember operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateUserProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteUserProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeUserProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateTeamMember operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListProjects operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListResources operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTeamMembers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListUserProfiles operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the TagProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UntagProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateProject operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateTeamMember operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserProfile operation.