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A budget action resource.

The historical records for a budget action.

The description of the details for the event.

The trigger threshold of the action.

The parameters that determine the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.

Represents the output of the CreateBudget operation. The content consists of the detailed metadata and data file information, and the current status of the budget object.

The budget name and associated notifications for an account.

A history of the state of a budget at the end of the budget's specified time period.

The amount of cost or usage that you created the budget for, compared to your actual costs or usage.

The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.

The types of cost that are included in a COST budget, such as tax and subscriptions.

Specifies all of the type-specific parameters.

The parameters that define or describe the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) action definition details.

A notification that's associated with a budget. A budget can have up to ten notifications.

A notification with subscribers. A notification can have one SNS subscriber and up to 10 email subscribers, for a total of 11 subscribers.

The service control policies (SCP) action definition details.

The amount of cost or usage that's measured for a budget.

The Amazon Web Services Systems Manager (SSM) action definition details.

The subscriber to a budget notification. The subscriber consists of a subscription type and either an Amazon SNS topic or an email address.

The period of time that's covered by a budget. The period has a start date and an end date. The start date must come before the end date. There are no restrictions on the end date.


The type of a budget. It must be one of the following types:

The comparison operator of a notification. Currently, the service supports the following

The type of a notification. It must be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.

The subscription type of the subscriber. It can be SMS or EMAIL.

The type of threshold for a notification.

The time unit of the budget, such as MONTHLY or QUARTERLY.