
Struct Client

pub struct Client { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Client for Application Auto Scaling

Client for invoking operations on Application Auto Scaling. Each operation on Application Auto Scaling is a method on this this struct. .send() MUST be invoked on the generated operations to dispatch the request to the service.

§Constructing a Client

A Config is required to construct a client. For most use cases, the aws-config crate should be used to automatically resolve this config using aws_config::load_from_env(), since this will resolve an SdkConfig which can be shared across multiple different AWS SDK clients. This config resolution process can be customized by calling aws_config::from_env() instead, which returns a ConfigLoader that uses the builder pattern to customize the default config.

In the simplest case, creating a client looks as follows:

let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let client = aws_sdk_applicationautoscaling::Client::new(&config);

Occasionally, SDKs may have additional service-specific values that can be set on the Config that is absent from SdkConfig, or slightly different settings for a specific client may be desired. The Builder struct implements From<&SdkConfig>, so setting these specific settings can be done as follows:

let sdk_config = ::aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let config = aws_sdk_applicationautoscaling::config::Builder::from(&sdk_config)

See the aws-config docs and Config for more information on customizing configuration.

Note: Client construction is expensive due to connection thread pool initialization, and should be done once at application start-up.

§Using the Client

A client has a function for every operation that can be performed by the service. For example, the DeleteScalingPolicy operation has a Client::delete_scaling_policy, function which returns a builder for that operation. The fluent builder ultimately has a send() function that returns an async future that returns a result, as illustrated below:

let result = client.delete_scaling_policy()

The underlying HTTP requests that get made by this can be modified with the customize_operation function on the fluent builder. See the customize module for more information.



impl Client


pub fn delete_scaling_policy(&self) -> DeleteScalingPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteScalingPolicy operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • policy_name(impl Into<String>) / set_policy_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the scaling policy.

    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

  • On success, responds with DeleteScalingPolicyOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DeleteScalingPolicyError>

impl Client


pub fn delete_scheduled_action(&self) -> DeleteScheduledActionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteScheduledAction operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • scheduled_action_name(impl Into<String>) / set_scheduled_action_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the scheduled action.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

  • On success, responds with DeleteScheduledActionOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DeleteScheduledActionError>

impl Client


pub fn deregister_scalable_target( &self, ) -> DeregisterScalableTargetFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeregisterScalableTarget operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

  • On success, responds with DeregisterScalableTargetOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DeregisterScalableTargetError>

impl Client


pub fn describe_scalable_targets(&self) -> DescribeScalableTargetsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeScalableTargets operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_ids(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_ids(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: false

      The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of scalable targets. This value can be between 1 and 50. The default value is 50.

      If this parameter is used, the operation returns up to MaxResults results at a time, along with a NextToken value. To get the next set of results, include the NextToken value in a subsequent call. If this parameter is not used, the operation returns up to 50 results and a NextToken value, if applicable.

    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The token for the next set of results.

  • On success, responds with DescribeScalableTargetsOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeScalableTargetsError>

impl Client


pub fn describe_scaling_activities( &self, ) -> DescribeScalingActivitiesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeScalingActivities operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling activity. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: false

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of scalable targets. This value can be between 1 and 50. The default value is 50.

      If this parameter is used, the operation returns up to MaxResults results at a time, along with a NextToken value. To get the next set of results, include the NextToken value in a subsequent call. If this parameter is not used, the operation returns up to 50 results and a NextToken value, if applicable.

    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The token for the next set of results.

    • include_not_scaled_activities(bool) / set_include_not_scaled_activities(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Specifies whether to include activities that aren’t scaled (not scaled activities) in the response. Not scaled activities are activities that aren’t completed or started for various reasons, such as preventing infinite scaling loops. For help interpreting the not scaled reason details in the response, see Scaling activities for Application Auto Scaling.

  • On success, responds with DescribeScalingActivitiesOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeScalingActivitiesError>

impl Client


pub fn describe_scaling_policies(&self) -> DescribeScalingPoliciesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeScalingPolicies operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • policy_names(impl Into<String>) / set_policy_names(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      The names of the scaling policies to describe.

    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: false

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of scalable targets. This value can be between 1 and 10. The default value is 10.

      If this parameter is used, the operation returns up to MaxResults results at a time, along with a NextToken value. To get the next set of results, include the NextToken value in a subsequent call. If this parameter is not used, the operation returns up to 10 results and a NextToken value, if applicable.

    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The token for the next set of results.

  • On success, responds with DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeScalingPoliciesError>

impl Client


pub fn describe_scheduled_actions( &self, ) -> DescribeScheduledActionsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeScheduledActions operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • scheduled_action_names(impl Into<String>) / set_scheduled_action_names(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      The names of the scheduled actions to describe.

    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: false

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property. If you specify a scalable dimension, you must also specify a resource ID.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of scheduled action results. This value can be between 1 and 50. The default value is 50.

      If this parameter is used, the operation returns up to MaxResults results at a time, along with a NextToken value. To get the next set of results, include the NextToken value in a subsequent call. If this parameter is not used, the operation returns up to 50 results and a NextToken value, if applicable.

    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The token for the next set of results.

  • On success, responds with DescribeScheduledActionsOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeScheduledActionsError>

impl Client


pub fn get_predictive_scaling_forecast( &self, ) -> GetPredictiveScalingForecastFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetPredictiveScalingForecast operation.


impl Client


pub fn list_tags_for_resource(&self) -> ListTagsForResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTagsForResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn put_scaling_policy(&self) -> PutScalingPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the PutScalingPolicy operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • policy_name(impl Into<String>) / set_policy_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the scaling policy.

      You cannot change the name of a scaling policy, but you can delete the original scaling policy and create a new scaling policy with the same settings and a different name.

    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scaling policy. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • policy_type(PolicyType) / set_policy_type(Option<PolicyType>):
      required: false

      The scaling policy type. This parameter is required if you are creating a scaling policy.

      The following policy types are supported:

      TargetTrackingScaling—Not supported for Amazon EMR.

      StepScaling—Not supported for DynamoDB, Amazon Comprehend, Lambda, Amazon Keyspaces, Amazon MSK, Amazon ElastiCache, or Neptune.

      For more information, see Target tracking scaling policies and Step scaling policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

    • step_scaling_policy_configuration(StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) / set_step_scaling_policy_configuration(Option<StepScalingPolicyConfiguration>):
      required: false

      A step scaling policy.

      This parameter is required if you are creating a policy and the policy type is StepScaling.

    • target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) / set_target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration(Option<TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration>):
      required: false

      A target tracking scaling policy. Includes support for predefined or customized metrics.

      This parameter is required if you are creating a policy and the policy type is TargetTrackingScaling.

    • predictive_scaling_policy_configuration(PredictiveScalingPolicyConfiguration) / set_predictive_scaling_policy_configuration(Option<PredictiveScalingPolicyConfiguration>):
      required: false

      The configuration of the predictive scaling policy.

  • On success, responds with PutScalingPolicyOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<PutScalingPolicyError>

impl Client


pub fn put_scheduled_action(&self) -> PutScheduledActionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the PutScheduledAction operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • schedule(impl Into<String>) / set_schedule(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The schedule for this action. The following formats are supported:

      • At expressions - “at(yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)

      • Rate expressions - “rate(value unit)

      • Cron expressions - “cron(fields)

      At expressions are useful for one-time schedules. Cron expressions are useful for scheduled actions that run periodically at a specified date and time, and rate expressions are useful for scheduled actions that run at a regular interval.

      At and cron expressions use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) by default.

      The cron format consists of six fields separated by white spaces: [Minutes] [Hours] [Day_of_Month] [Month] [Day_of_Week] [Year].

      For rate expressions, value is a positive integer and unit is minute | minutes | hour | hours | day | days.

      For more information, see Schedule recurring scaling actions using cron expressions in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

    • timezone(impl Into<String>) / set_timezone(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Specifies the time zone used when setting a scheduled action by using an at or cron expression. If a time zone is not provided, UTC is used by default.

      Valid values are the canonical names of the IANA time zones supported by Joda-Time (such as Etc/GMT+9 or Pacific/Tahiti). For more information, see

    • scheduled_action_name(impl Into<String>) / set_scheduled_action_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the scheduled action. This name must be unique among all other scheduled actions on the specified scalable target.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource associated with the scheduled action. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • start_time(DateTime) / set_start_time(Option<DateTime>):
      required: false

      The date and time for this scheduled action to start, in UTC.

    • end_time(DateTime) / set_end_time(Option<DateTime>):
      required: false

      The date and time for the recurring schedule to end, in UTC.

    • scalable_target_action(ScalableTargetAction) / set_scalable_target_action(Option<ScalableTargetAction>):
      required: false

      The new minimum and maximum capacity. You can set both values or just one. At the scheduled time, if the current capacity is below the minimum capacity, Application Auto Scaling scales out to the minimum capacity. If the current capacity is above the maximum capacity, Application Auto Scaling scales in to the maximum capacity.

  • On success, responds with PutScheduledActionOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<PutScheduledActionError>

impl Client


pub fn register_scalable_target(&self) -> RegisterScalableTargetFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RegisterScalableTarget operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • service_namespace(ServiceNamespace) / set_service_namespace(Option<ServiceNamespace>):
      required: true

      The namespace of the Amazon Web Services service that provides the resource. For a resource provided by your own application or service, use custom-resource instead.

    • resource_id(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_id(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The identifier of the resource that is associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the resource type and unique identifier.

      • ECS service - The resource type is service and the unique identifier is the cluster name and service name. Example: service/my-cluster/my-service.

      • Spot Fleet - The resource type is spot-fleet-request and the unique identifier is the Spot Fleet request ID. Example: spot-fleet-request/sfr-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE.

      • EMR cluster - The resource type is instancegroup and the unique identifier is the cluster ID and instance group ID. Example: instancegroup/j-2EEZNYKUA1NTV/ig-1791Y4E1L8YI0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleet - The resource type is fleet and the unique identifier is the fleet name. Example: fleet/sample-fleet.

      • DynamoDB table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: table/my-table.

      • DynamoDB global secondary index - The resource type is index and the unique identifier is the index name. Example: table/my-table/index/my-table-index.

      • Aurora DB cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:my-db-cluster.

      • SageMaker endpoint variant - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • Custom resources are not supported with a resource type. This parameter must specify the OutputValue from the CloudFormation template stack used to access the resources. The unique identifier is defined by the service provider. More information is available in our GitHub repository.

      • Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:document-classifier-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the endpoint ARN. Example: arn:aws:comprehend:us-west-2:123456789012:entity-recognizer-endpoint/EXAMPLE.

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency - The resource type is function and the unique identifier is the function name with a function version or alias name suffix that is not $LATEST. Example: function:my-function:prod or function:my-function:1.

      • Amazon Keyspaces table - The resource type is table and the unique identifier is the table name. Example: keyspace/mykeyspace/table/mytable.

      • Amazon MSK cluster - The resource type and unique identifier are specified using the cluster ARN. Example: arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/demo-cluster-1/6357e0b2-0e6a-4b86-a0b4-70df934c2e31-5.

      • Amazon ElastiCache replication group - The resource type is replication-group and the unique identifier is the replication group name. Example: replication-group/mycluster.

      • Neptune cluster - The resource type is cluster and the unique identifier is the cluster name. Example: cluster:mycluster.

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint - The resource type is variant and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: endpoint/my-end-point/variant/KMeansClustering.

      • SageMaker inference component - The resource type is inference-component and the unique identifier is the resource ID. Example: inference-component/my-inference-component.

      • Pool of WorkSpaces - The resource type is workspacespool and the unique identifier is the pool ID. Example: workspacespool/wspool-123456.

    • scalable_dimension(ScalableDimension) / set_scalable_dimension(Option<ScalableDimension>):
      required: true

      The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. This string consists of the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property.

      • ecs:service:DesiredCount - The task count of an ECS service.

      • elasticmapreduce:instancegroup:InstanceCount - The instance count of an EMR Instance Group.

      • ec2:spot-fleet-request:TargetCapacity - The target capacity of a Spot Fleet.

      • appstream:fleet:DesiredCapacity - The capacity of an AppStream 2.0 fleet.

      • dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB table.

      • dynamodb:index:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • dynamodb:index:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for a DynamoDB global secondary index.

      • rds:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. Available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible edition.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount - The number of EC2 instances for a SageMaker model endpoint variant.

      • custom-resource:ResourceType:Property - The scalable dimension for a custom resource provided by your own application or service.

      • comprehend:document-classifier-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoint.

      • comprehend:entity-recognizer-endpoint:DesiredInferenceUnits - The number of inference units for an Amazon Comprehend entity recognizer endpoint.

      • lambda:function:ProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a Lambda function.

      • cassandra:table:ReadCapacityUnits - The provisioned read capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • cassandra:table:WriteCapacityUnits - The provisioned write capacity for an Amazon Keyspaces table.

      • kafka:broker-storage:VolumeSize - The provisioned volume size (in GiB) for brokers in an Amazon MSK cluster.

      • elasticache:replication-group:NodeGroups - The number of node groups for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • elasticache:replication-group:Replicas - The number of replicas per node group for an Amazon ElastiCache replication group.

      • neptune:cluster:ReadReplicaCount - The count of read replicas in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster.

      • sagemaker:variant:DesiredProvisionedConcurrency - The provisioned concurrency for a SageMaker serverless endpoint.

      • sagemaker:inference-component:DesiredCopyCount - The number of copies across an endpoint for a SageMaker inference component.

      • workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions - The number of user sessions for the WorkSpaces in the pool.

    • min_capacity(i32) / set_min_capacity(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The minimum value that you plan to scale in to. When a scaling policy is in effect, Application Auto Scaling can scale in (contract) as needed to the minimum capacity limit in response to changing demand. This property is required when registering a new scalable target.

      For the following resources, the minimum value allowed is 0.

      • AppStream 2.0 fleets

      • Aurora DB clusters

      • ECS services

      • EMR clusters

      • Lambda provisioned concurrency

      • SageMaker endpoint variants

      • SageMaker inference components

      • SageMaker serverless endpoint provisioned concurrency

      • Spot Fleets

      • custom resources

      It’s strongly recommended that you specify a value greater than 0. A value greater than 0 means that data points are continuously reported to CloudWatch that scaling policies can use to scale on a metric like average CPU utilization.

      For all other resources, the minimum allowed value depends on the type of resource that you are using. If you provide a value that is lower than what a resource can accept, an error occurs. In which case, the error message will provide the minimum value that the resource can accept.

    • max_capacity(i32) / set_max_capacity(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum value that you plan to scale out to. When a scaling policy is in effect, Application Auto Scaling can scale out (expand) as needed to the maximum capacity limit in response to changing demand. This property is required when registering a new scalable target.

      Although you can specify a large maximum capacity, note that service quotas might impose lower limits. Each service has its own default quotas for the maximum capacity of the resource. If you want to specify a higher limit, you can request an increase. For more information, consult the documentation for that service. For information about the default quotas for each service, see Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

    • role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      This parameter is required for services that do not support service-linked roles (such as Amazon EMR), and it must specify the ARN of an IAM role that allows Application Auto Scaling to modify the scalable target on your behalf.

      If the service supports service-linked roles, Application Auto Scaling uses a service-linked role, which it creates if it does not yet exist. For more information, see How Application Auto Scaling works with IAM.

    • suspended_state(SuspendedState) / set_suspended_state(Option<SuspendedState>):
      required: false

      An embedded object that contains attributes and attribute values that are used to suspend and resume automatic scaling. Setting the value of an attribute to true suspends the specified scaling activities. Setting it to false (default) resumes the specified scaling activities.

      Suspension Outcomes

      • For DynamicScalingInSuspended, while a suspension is in effect, all scale-in activities that are triggered by a scaling policy are suspended.

      • For DynamicScalingOutSuspended, while a suspension is in effect, all scale-out activities that are triggered by a scaling policy are suspended.

      • For ScheduledScalingSuspended, while a suspension is in effect, all scaling activities that involve scheduled actions are suspended.

      For more information, see Suspend and resume scaling in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

    • tags(impl Into<String>, impl Into<String>) / set_tags(Option<HashMap::<String, String>>):
      required: false

      Assigns one or more tags to the scalable target. Use this parameter to tag the scalable target when it is created. To tag an existing scalable target, use the TagResource operation.

      Each tag consists of a tag key and a tag value. Both the tag key and the tag value are required. You cannot have more than one tag on a scalable target with the same tag key.

      Use tags to control access to a scalable target. For more information, see Tagging support for Application Auto Scaling in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

  • On success, responds with RegisterScalableTargetOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<RegisterScalableTargetError>

impl Client


pub fn tag_resource(&self) -> TagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the TagResource operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • resource_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_arn(Option<String>):
      required: true

      Identifies the Application Auto Scaling scalable target that you want to apply tags to.

      For example: arn:aws:application-autoscaling:us-east-1:123456789012:scalable-target/1234abcd56ab78cd901ef1234567890ab123

      To get the ARN for a scalable target, use DescribeScalableTargets.

    • tags(impl Into<String>, impl Into<String>) / set_tags(Option<HashMap::<String, String>>):
      required: true

      The tags assigned to the resource. A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource.

      Each tag consists of a tag key and a tag value.

      You cannot have more than one tag on an Application Auto Scaling scalable target with the same tag key. If you specify an existing tag key with a different tag value, Application Auto Scaling replaces the current tag value with the specified one.

      For information about the rules that apply to tag keys and tag values, see User-defined tag restrictions in the Amazon Web Services Billing User Guide.

  • On success, responds with TagResourceOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<TagResourceError>

impl Client


pub fn untag_resource(&self) -> UntagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UntagResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn from_conf(conf: Config) -> Self

Creates a new client from the service Config.


This method will panic in the following cases:

  • Retries or timeouts are enabled without a sleep_impl configured.
  • Identity caching is enabled without a sleep_impl and time_source configured.
  • No behavior_version is provided.

The panic message for each of these will have instructions on how to resolve them.


pub fn config(&self) -> &Config

Returns the client’s configuration.


impl Client


pub fn new(sdk_config: &SdkConfig) -> Self

Creates a new client from an SDK Config.

  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an async sleep implementation. If you experience this panic, set the sleep_impl on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an HTTP connector. If you experience this panic, set the http_connector on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if no BehaviorVersion is provided. If you experience this panic, set behavior_version on the Config or enable the behavior-version-latest Cargo feature.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Client


fn clone(&self) -> Client

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Client


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Client


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client


impl Send for Client


impl Sync for Client


impl Unpin for Client


impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Paint for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn fg(&self, value: Color) -> Painted<&T>

Returns a styled value derived from self with the foreground set to value.

This method should be used rarely. Instead, prefer to use color-specific builder methods like red() and green(), which have the same functionality but are pithier.


Set foreground color to white using fg():

use yansi::{Paint, Color};


Set foreground color to white using white().

use yansi::Paint;


fn primary(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Primary.

println!("{}", value.primary());

fn fixed(&self, color: u8) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Fixed.

println!("{}", value.fixed(color));

fn rgb(&self, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Rgb.

println!("{}", value.rgb(r, g, b));

fn black(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Black.


fn red(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Red.


fn green(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Green.


fn yellow(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Yellow.

println!("{}", value.yellow());

fn blue(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Blue.


fn magenta(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Magenta.

println!("{}", value.magenta());

fn cyan(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::Cyan.

println!("{}", value.cyan());

fn white(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::White.

println!("{}", value.white());

fn bright_black(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightBlack.

println!("{}", value.bright_black());

fn bright_red(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightRed.

println!("{}", value.bright_red());

fn bright_green(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightGreen.

println!("{}", value.bright_green());

fn bright_yellow(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightYellow.

println!("{}", value.bright_yellow());

fn bright_blue(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightBlue.

println!("{}", value.bright_blue());

fn bright_magenta(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightMagenta.

println!("{}", value.bright_magenta());

fn bright_cyan(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightCyan.

println!("{}", value.bright_cyan());

fn bright_white(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the fg() set to Color::BrightWhite.

println!("{}", value.bright_white());

fn bg(&self, value: Color) -> Painted<&T>

Returns a styled value derived from self with the background set to value.

This method should be used rarely. Instead, prefer to use color-specific builder methods like on_red() and on_green(), which have the same functionality but are pithier.


Set background color to red using fg():

use yansi::{Paint, Color};;

Set background color to red using on_red().

use yansi::Paint;


fn on_primary(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Primary.

println!("{}", value.on_primary());

fn on_fixed(&self, color: u8) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Fixed.

println!("{}", value.on_fixed(color));

fn on_rgb(&self, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Rgb.

println!("{}", value.on_rgb(r, g, b));

fn on_black(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Black.

println!("{}", value.on_black());

fn on_red(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Red.

println!("{}", value.on_red());

fn on_green(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Green.

println!("{}", value.on_green());

fn on_yellow(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Yellow.

println!("{}", value.on_yellow());

fn on_blue(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Blue.

println!("{}", value.on_blue());

fn on_magenta(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Magenta.

println!("{}", value.on_magenta());

fn on_cyan(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::Cyan.

println!("{}", value.on_cyan());

fn on_white(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::White.

println!("{}", value.on_white());

fn on_bright_black(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightBlack.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_black());

fn on_bright_red(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightRed.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_red());

fn on_bright_green(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightGreen.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_green());

fn on_bright_yellow(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightYellow.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_yellow());

fn on_bright_blue(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightBlue.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_blue());

fn on_bright_magenta(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightMagenta.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_magenta());

fn on_bright_cyan(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightCyan.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_cyan());

fn on_bright_white(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the bg() set to Color::BrightWhite.

println!("{}", value.on_bright_white());

fn attr(&self, value: Attribute) -> Painted<&T>

Enables the styling Attribute value.

This method should be used rarely. Instead, prefer to use attribute-specific builder methods like bold() and underline(), which have the same functionality but are pithier.


Make text bold using attr():

use yansi::{Paint, Attribute};


Make text bold using using bold().

use yansi::Paint;


fn bold(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Bold.

println!("{}", value.bold());

fn dim(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Dim.

println!("{}", value.dim());

fn italic(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Italic.

println!("{}", value.italic());

fn underline(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Underline.

println!("{}", value.underline());

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Blink.

println!("{}", value.blink());

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::RapidBlink.

println!("{}", value.rapid_blink());

fn invert(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Invert.

println!("{}", value.invert());

fn conceal(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Conceal.

println!("{}", value.conceal());

fn strike(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the attr() set to Attribute::Strike.

println!("{}", value.strike());

fn quirk(&self, value: Quirk) -> Painted<&T>

Enables the yansi Quirk value.

This method should be used rarely. Instead, prefer to use quirk-specific builder methods like mask() and wrap(), which have the same functionality but are pithier.


Enable wrapping using .quirk():

use yansi::{Paint, Quirk};


Enable wrapping using wrap().

use yansi::Paint;


fn mask(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Mask.

println!("{}", value.mask());

fn wrap(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Wrap.

println!("{}", value.wrap());

fn linger(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Linger.

println!("{}", value.linger());

fn clear(&self) -> Painted<&T>

👎Deprecated since 1.0.1: renamed to resetting() due to conflicts with Vec::clear(). The clear() method will be removed in a future release.

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Clear.

println!("{}", value.clear());

fn resetting(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Resetting.

println!("{}", value.resetting());

fn bright(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::Bright.

println!("{}", value.bright());

fn on_bright(&self) -> Painted<&T>

Returns self with the quirk() set to Quirk::OnBright.

println!("{}", value.on_bright());

fn whenever(&self, value: Condition) -> Painted<&T>

Conditionally enable styling based on whether the Condition value applies. Replaces any previous condition.

See the crate level docs for more details.


Enable styling painted only when both stdout and stderr are TTYs:

use yansi::{Paint, Condition};;

fn new(self) -> Painted<Self>
where Self: Sized,

Create a new Painted with a default Style. Read more

fn paint<S>(&self, style: S) -> Painted<&Self>
where S: Into<Style>,

Apply a style wholesale to self. Any previous style is replaced. Read more

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T