[][src]Crate aws_iot_device_sdk_rust

aws-iot-core-sdk-rust aims to be a well-functioning and easy to use AWS IoT device SDK. At its core it uses the pure Rust MQTT client Rumqtt, as well as Serde for (de)serializing JSON. The name is chosen to match its C, C++, Python and JS counterparts.

  • Use this to easily connect your IoT devices to AWS IoT Core.
  • Publish and subscribe to any topic you want.
  • Register callback functions that will be called to handle incoming messages on any topic.

Publish and subscribe

use aws-iot-device-sdk-rust::AWSIoTClient;

fn main() {
    let mut iot_core_client = client::AWSIoTClient::new(

    iot_core_client.subscribe("thing/light/status", QoS::AtLeastOnce);
    iot_core_client.publish("thing/light/status", "on");

Add callback

use aws-iot-device-sdk-rust::AWSIoTClient;

fn my_callback() {
    println!("Someone or something published to thing/light/status!");
fn main() {
    let mut iot_core_client = client::AWSIoTClient::new(

    iot_core_client.add_callback("thing/light/status", my_callback);


pub use crate::client::AWSIoTClient;
pub use crate::shadow::AWSShadowManager;

