[][src]Module awoo::time

Time managing.

This module exports several implementation of several time generator. A time generator is an object which type implements TimeGenerator. The idea is that schedulers will need several properties about time:

  • They obviously need to get access to the current time. That can represent anything, from a simulation frame to a real-world clock.
  • They need to take into account the fact time passes. The speed at which it passes is entirely up to the implementation of TimeGenerator for the type you choose. Time can be ticked forward but also backwards.
  • Resetting the time generator resets its internals to its initial state.
  • Time can be set explicitly, too.
  • Finally, because time generators often tick or untick (ticking backards), it’s possible to get a time difference between two ticks. That difference is called a delta and it’s also possible to change it.



The simple floating, 32-bit time generator.



Set of types that can handle time.