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Accompanying procedural macros to awint

Scope Dependencies

All of the macros often require Bits and InlAwi to be in scope. This could be from awint_core or be a reexport from awint. extawi! and similar always requires ExtAwi to be in scope, which could be imported from awint_ext or be a reexport from awint. cc! may require none, one, or both storage types depending on the input. Macros with fallible inputs require Option<T> variants to be in scope.

Concatenations of Components

Some of the macros accept “concatenations of components”. A component can be a literal, a variable, or a filler. Components are written in a big endian order (so that the big-endianness of literals flows the same way visually), and concatenations are written in a little endian order (because large concatentations will usually be formatted on different lines, and we want the data flow to be downwards), so the general layout of the input to a macro is:

    ..., component 2, component 1, component 0; // concatenation 0
    ..., component 2, component 1, component 0; // concatenation 1
    ..., component 2, component 1, component 0; // concatenation 2

(there may also be a specified initialization prefixed with a : at the beginning, but we will get to that later)

The first concatenation, or concatenation 0, is the “source” concatenation, and the following concatenations are “sink” concatenations. Either statically at compile time or dynamically at run time, the macro will check if the concatenations all have the same bitwidths. If so, the corresponding bits from the source get copied to the corresponding bits of the sinks. The construction macros additionally return the source concatenation in a storage type such as InlAwi or ExtAwi. The sink concatenations are optional. If there is only a source concatenation, inlawi_ and extawi_ will just construct the value of the source, and cc_ will just perform bounds checks.

These macros automate a large number of things for the user:

  • Avoiding borrow errors even when the same variable is being used in different concatenations and in ranges of itself
  • Using only const capable constructions and functions if possible
  • All bounds checks are run before any fielding happens, so that no mutation or allocation occurs when an error is returned, matching the common behavior of functions in the awint system
  • Trying to optimize away as many bounds checks as possible
  • Trying to optimize away intermediate buffers
  • Concatenating literals together at compile time, and even returning infallibly if possible
  • Trying to use the most efficient copying method

Before going into detail on each component type, we will first explain all the error conditions for the index bounds checks. Even though cc_ macros with only a source concatenation do no construction or copying, they are useful for bounds checks. Here, we pass the simplest variable input to the cc! macro, a single concatenation with a single component.

use awint::prelude::*;

let x = ExtAwi::zero(bw(10));
let r0 = 2;
let r1 = 8;
let r2 = 20;

// The input is just the variable `x`. The macro is able to determine that
// no bounds checks are needed, so it returns `()`.
assert_eq!(cc!(x), ());

// This component is the variable `x` indexed with the bit range `r0..r1`.
// The bounds checks succeed, so the macro returns `Some(())`.

// Inclusive ranges and single bit indexes are also recognized.
// this range is equivalent to `r0..(r1 + 1)`
// this range is equivalent to `r0..(r0 + 1)`

// We could also use a static range. We call it "static" because the macro
// is able to know the value of the range at compile time.

// The macro recognizes decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary static
// values so that they seamlessly work with Rust literals.

// The first kind of invalid bound is a reversed range, in which the
// start of the range is larger than the end of the range.

// Here, the macro is able to determine at compile time that the range is
// reversed.
// error: determined statically that this has a reversed range

// The macros are able to perform some limited recognition of bounds of the
// form `(arbitrary + statically_known)` or
// `(-statically_known - -arbitrary)`, etc. This recognition is usually not
// externally visible unless you trigger it at compile time, because the
// macro still has to check that the arbitrary part of the range does not
// cause the bound to go out of range, but it does eliminate some checks
// and improves performance.

// error: determined statically that this has a reversed range
//cc!(x[(r0 + 5)..(-5 + r0)]);

// note that even though `r0` is arbitrary, the macro is able to recognize
// that it needs a `inlawi_ty(5)` without us telling it more explicitly
assert_eq!(inlawi!(x[r0..(r0 + 5)]).unwrap(), inlawi!(0u5));

// The second kind of invalid bound is a range that extends beyond the
// width of the variable or literal. Earlier, the values of 2 and 8 were
// less than or equal to `x.bw()`, so the check succeeded. Here the value
// of 20 causes the macro to return `None`.

// Note: the widths of concatenations can be zero for the `cc_` macros.
// Static zero width ranges will cause a compile-time panic as a warning
// about components that do nothing, but they are achievable with dynamic
// ranges.
let r0 = 5;
let r1 = 5;
let r0 = 10;
let r1 = 10;
// The restriction about values not being larger than `x.bw()` still
// applies.
let r0 = 11;
let r1 = 11;

// `InlAwi`s and `ExtAwi`s cannot have zero bitwidths, so zero width
// concatenations will cause their macros to panic at compile time or
// return `None`.
let r = 5;
// error: determined statically that this concatenation has zero width
//let _ = extawi!(x[5..5]);

// The macros are parsed by using `proc-macro2` token trees and look only
// at punctuation in top level delimited groups. It will separate by ','
// and ';' to get components, and then each component will be parsed again
// for top level delimited groups, and if the last token tree in the
// component is "[]" delimited it will treat that as a bit indexer. This
// allows for almost every conceivable Rust expression being used:
    cc!([inlawi!(0u10); 4][3][
        (|| {let _ = (4..5, 6..=7); let _ = "'\".,;"; 9})()
// The first `[inlawi!(0u10); 4]` is an array of 4 `InlAwi`s, the middle
// `[3]` indexes the array of `InlAwi`s, and the rightmost "[]" delimited
// group is interpreted as a single bit index. The parsing is able to
// ignore inner puncutation and just use the `9` result of the closure as
// the index. Of course, you wouldn't want to use expressions this complex
// in a single line, most of the time you should use external bindings.

let awis = [inlawi!(0); 4];
// If you are using normal indexing but do not want the macro to interpret
// it as a bit indexing, wrap the component in parenthesis, and then the
// macro will ignore everything inside (since it is not a top level "[]"
// group) and treat the thing as a single variable with no range applied.
assert_eq!(cc!( (&awis[3]) ), ());

// The third error condition occurs when concatenation bitwidths are
// unequal, but first we need to go into more detail on the component
// types.


After differentiating components and ranges, the parser will try to parse range values as hexadecimal, octal, binary, or decimal i128 values. Later in codgen it will be converted to usize, and the compiler will complain if literals are too large for the target architecture. The parser will also attempt to parse components with the FromStr implementation of ExtAwi. See that documentation for more details.

Note: The FromStr implementation allows for signed and unsigned values, binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal bases, but for the remainder of this documentation we will mainly be using unsigned hexadecimal for literals and decimal for range bounds. This is because hexadecimal neatly divides along bit multiples of 4, and the large base allows one to easily see where different groups of 4 bits are being copied.

use awint::prelude::*;

// Here, we pass a single concatenation of 3 literals to the `inlawi!`
// construction macro. This constructs an `InlAwi` out of a 4 bit signed
// negative 1, a 16 bit binary string, and a 8 bit unsigned 42. The
// total bitwidth is 4 + 16 + 8 = 28.
let awi: inlawi_ty!(28) = inlawi!(-1i4, 0000_0101_0011_1001, 42u8);
assert_eq!(awi, inlawi!(1111_0000010100111001_00101010));

// Literals can have static ranges applied to them, which might be useful
// in some circumstances for readability. The macros automatically truncate
// and concatenate constants with statically known bounds together for best
// runtime performance.
assert_eq!(inlawi!(0x654321_u24[4..16]), inlawi!(0x432_u12));

// Arbitrary dynamic ranges using things from outside the macro can also
// be applied. The macros will assume the range bounds to result in
// `usize`, and the compiler will typecheck this.
let x: usize = 8;
let awi = ExtAwi::zero(bw(12));
// At runtime, `x` evaluates to 8 and `x + awi.bw()` evaluates to 20
    extawi!(0x98765_u20[x..(x + awi.bw())]).unwrap(),


Anything that has well defined bw() -> usize, Deref::deref() -> &Bits, DerefMut::deref_mut() -> &mut Bits, AsRef::as_ref() -> &Bits, and AsMut::as_mut() -> &mut Bits functions can be used as a variable. Arbitrary Bits references, ExtAwi, InlAwi, FP<B> and other well defined arbitrary width integer types can thus be used as variables.

use awint::prelude::*;

let source = inlawi!(0xc4di64);
// a bunch of zeroed 64 bit arbitrary width integers from different
// storage types and construction methods.
let mut awi: ExtAwi = ExtAwi::zero(bw(64));
let mut a: &mut Bits = awi.const_as_mut();
let mut b: ExtAwi = extawi!(0i64);
let mut c: inlawi_ty!(64) = <inlawi_ty!(64)>::zero();
let mut d: FP<inlawi_ty!(64)> = FP::new(false, inlawi!(0u64), 32).unwrap();

// Use the `cc` macro to copy the source concatenation `source` to the sink
// concatenations `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`. Here, every concatenation is just
// a single variable component.
cc!(source; a; b; c; d).unwrap();

assert_eq!(a, inlawi!(0xc4di64).const_as_ref());
assert_eq!(b, extawi!(0xc4di64));
assert_eq!(c, inlawi!(0xc4di64));

let awi = inlawi!(0xau4);
let a = awi.const_as_ref();
let b = extawi!(0xbu4);
let c = inlawi!(0xcu4);

// Use `extawi` to infallibly concatenate variables together. Here, there
// is only one concatenation with multiple variable components.
assert_eq!(extawi!(a, b, c), extawi!(0xabcu12));

Now that we have both literals and variables, we can demonstrate more complicated interactions. In case it still isn’t clear what the “corresponding copying” means, here we have a source concatenation of 4 components each with 3 hexadecimal digits being copied onto a sink concatenation of 3 components each with 4 hexadecimal digits.

use awint::prelude::*;

let y3 = inlawi!(0xba9u12);
let y2 = inlawi!(0x876u12);
let y1 = inlawi!(0x543u12);
let y0 = inlawi!(0x210u12);

let mut z2 = inlawi!(0u16);
let mut z1 = inlawi!(0u16);
let mut z0 = inlawi!(0u16);

    y3, y2, y1, y0;
    z2, z1, z0;

assert_eq!(z2, inlawi!(0xba98u16));
assert_eq!(z1, inlawi!(0x7654u16));
assert_eq!(z0, inlawi!(0x3210u16));

Visually, the components in the two concatenations are being aligned like this:

| b   a   9 | 8   7   6 | 5   4   3 | 2   1   0 |
| b   a   9   8 | 7   6   5   4 | 3   2   1   0 |

Again, arbitrary ranges can be applied to variables, note there are no borrowing errors:

use awint::prelude::*;

let mut a = inlawi!(0x9876543210u40);

// Note: because the range bounds cannot be negative, ranges starting
// with 0 (e.x. `0..r`) can have the zero omitted and just use `..r`.
// Ranges ending like `r..` will include all bits up to the most
// significant bit of the variable.
let b = extawi!(
    a[..=7], a[(a.bw() - 16)..];
    a[(5 * 4)..(9 * 4)], a[..(2 * 4)];
assert_eq!(a, inlawi!(0x9109843276u40));
assert_eq!(b, extawi!(0x109876_u24));

Also note: if you see the compiler complain about mutability of Bits references, ignore the help message about removing the &mut and make the reference itself mutable. This happens because the macro can’t tell if what it is binding to is already a mutable reference and not a storage type, and so always tries to take a &mut Bits reference of variables.

use awint::prelude::*;

// error: cannot borrow x and z as mutable ...
//fn test(x: &mut Bits) {
//    cc!(0x123u12; x).unwrap();
//    let mut y = inlawi!(0u12);
//    let z = y.const_as_mut();
//    cc!(0x123u12; z).unwrap();

// add the extra `mut` in front of references
fn test(mut x: &mut Bits) {
    cc!(0x123u12; x).unwrap();

    let mut y = inlawi!(0u12);
    let mut z = y.const_as_mut();
    cc!(0x123u12; z).unwrap();

Also, if you are using the const_support feature and are trying to use the macros in a const context, as of Rust 1.63 you need to add all of


to your crate roots or else you will encounter many confusing or misleading compiler errors.


The third type of component is written as a range by itself. When used in sources, corresponding sink bits are left unmutated. When used in sinks, corresponding source bits have no effect.

use awint::prelude::*;

// filler bits in source concatenations have no effects and sink bits are
// preserved
let x = inlawi!(0xabcd_u16);

let mut y = inlawi!(0x123456_u24);
    x, ..8;
assert_eq!(y, inlawi!(0xabcd56_u24));

y = inlawi!(0x123456_u24);
    ..8, x;
assert_eq!(y, inlawi!(0x12abcd_u24));

// filler bits in sink concatenations can act as spacers that drop the
// effects of source bits, note that the effect is processed independently
// for every sink concatenation.
let x = inlawi!(0x123456_u24);
let mut y = inlawi!(0u16);
let mut z = inlawi!(0u16);
    y, ..8;
    ..8, z;
assert_eq!(y, inlawi!(0x1234_u16));
assert_eq!(z, inlawi!(0x3456_u16));

Fillers are also useful in cases where all concatenations lack a needed degree of determinable width, and we want a cheap way to specify it:

use awint::prelude::*;

let x = extawi!(-99i44);

// error: `InlAwi` construction macros need at least one concatenation to
// have a width that can be determined statically by the macro

// because the second concatenation is only filler, no operations occur,
// but the macro will be able to determine that the common width is 44.
assert_eq!(inlawi!(x; ..44).unwrap(), inlawi!(-99i44));

// `extawi!` and `cc!` can also run into the problem with unbounded
// fillers, which will be explained later. We can additionally use a
// dynamic range (but be sure to always use a static filler concatenation
// if possible so that internal buffers can be on the stack).

// error: ... no concatenation has a statically or dynamically determinable
// width
//let _ = cc!(zero: 1, .., 1010; .., y);

let r = 16;
let mut y = InlAwi::from_u8(0);
    1, .., 1010;
    .., y;
assert_eq!(y, InlAwi::from_u8(0b1010));

We run into a problem when using fillers in the source concatenation of a construction macro. In the cc macro the source bits are not returned, so it doesn’t matter that they do not have a well defined value. In a construction macro however, all the bits of the source need to have some kind of set value.

use awint::prelude::*;

// error: a construction macro with unspecified initialization cannot have
// a filler in the source concatenation
//let x = extawi!(..8);

// we introduce the initialization specifier, which can be one of "zero",
// "umax", "imax", "imin", or "uone" corresponding to the standard
// construction functions of `ExtAwi` and `InlAwi` (and you can add your
// own initializations by implementing traits for `InlAwi` and `ExtAwi`
// with functions matching the formats of the `InlAwi` constructors and the
// hidden `panicking_` functions on `ExtAwi`)
let x = extawi!(umax: ..8);
assert_eq!(x, ExtAwi::umax(bw(8)));

let mut x = extawi!(0u64);
// equivalent to `x.umax_assign()`
cc!(umax: ..; x);
assert_eq!(x, ExtAwi::umax(bw(64)));

let mut x = extawi!(-99i44);
// "umax" is all set bits, so we are sign extending this negative value
let r = 128;
assert_eq!(extawi!(umax: .., x; ..r).unwrap(), extawi!(-99i128));

assert_eq!(inlawi!(zero: 0xau4, ..4, 0xbu4, ..4), inlawi!(0xa0b0u16));

Unbounded fillers

Unbounded fillers can be thought as dynamically resizing fillers that try to expand until the bitwidths of different concatenations match. To understand how unbounded fillers interact, consider these three cases:

use awint::prelude::*;

// This first case has no fillers in the first concatenation, so the filler
// in the second concatenation will expand to be of bitwidth `12 - y.bw()`.

let mut y = extawi!(0u8);
    .., y;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x21u8));

// Do the same call again, but with `y.bw() == 4`
let mut y = extawi!(0u4);
    .., y;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x1u4));

// The 12 bits of the first concatenation cannot correspond with
// the minimum 16 bits of the second, so this call returns `None`.
let mut y = extawi!(0u16);
assert!(cc!(0x321u12; .., y).is_none());

// This second case ends up enforcing that `y.bw()` is at least 12. The 12
// bits of the literal always get copied to the least significant bits of
// `y`.

let mut y = extawi!(0u20);
    .., 0x321u12;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x00321u20));

let mut y = extawi!(0u32);
    .., 0x321u12;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0xffff_f321_u32));

let mut y = extawi!(0u8);
assert!(cc!(.., 0x321u12; y).is_none());

// The third case allows `y.bw()` to be any possible bitwidth. If
// `y.bw() < 12` it will act like the first case, otherwise it acts like
// the second case. Because there are no restrictions on concatenation
// widths and there are no ranges that could index the variables out of
// bounds, these calls are infallible and no `Option` is returned.

let mut y = extawi!(0u20);
    .., 0x321u12;
    .., y;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x00321u20));

let mut y = extawi!(0u4);
    .., 0x321u12;
    .., y;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x1u4));

// Unbounded fillers are also allowed in less significant positions, in
// which case alignment of the components occurs starting from the most
// significant bit.

let mut y = extawi!(0u20);
    0x321u12, ..;
    y, ..;
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x32100u20));

// The macros are even smart enough to do this:

let mut y = extawi!(0u24);
cc!(umax: 0x3u4, .., 0x21u8; y).unwrap();
assert_eq!(y, extawi!(0x3fff21u24));

// Note again that filler widths cannot be negative, and so this will cause
// an error because we are trying to compress the 4 bit and 8 bit
// components into a less than 12 bit space.

let mut y = extawi!(0u8);
assert!(cc!(0x3u4, .., 0x21u8; y).is_none());

Only one unbounded filler per concatenation is allowed. Consider this case, in which it would be ambiguous about how the middle component should be aligned.

    .., 0x321u12, ..;
); // Error: there is more than one unbounded filler

Additionally, multiple concatenations with unbounded fillers must all have their fillers aligned to the same end or have a concatenation without an unbounded filler.

// all allowed:
    .., x;
    .., y;
    .., z;
    x, ..;
    y, ..;
    z, ..;
// allowed, because the macro can infer the alignment by using the bitwidth
// of `var`
    .., x;
    y, .., z;
    a, ..;
// disallowed, because the overlaps are ambiguous:
    .., x;
    y, ..;
    a, .., x;
    b, .., y;
    c, .., z;

It is technically possible to infer that ambiguous overlap could not occur in this case, but this is still disallowed by the macro, and it is more readable to just split the macro into two for both alignments.

    0x4567u16, .., 0x123u12;
    y0[..4], .., y1[..4];
// the above macro is semantically equivalent to these two macros combined:
    0x4567u16, ..;
    y0[..4], ..;
    .., 0x123u12;
    .., y1[..4];

Other Notes

  • If dynamic values are used in ranges or as variables multiple times, they should not use generator like behavior (e.x. using a function that changes its output between calls in x[f()..=f()]), or else you may get unexpected behavior. The parser and code generator treats identical strings like they produce the same value every time, and would call f() only once.
  • In general, the macros use the Bits::field operation to copy different bitfields independently to a buffer, then field from the buffer to the sink components. When concatenations take the form variable or constant with full range; var_1[..]; var_2[..]; var_3[..], ..., the macros use Bits::copy_assign to directly copy without an intermediate buffer. This copy assigning mode cannot copy between Bits references that point to the same underlying storage, because it results in aliasing. Thus, trying to do something like cc!(x; x) results in the borrow checker complaining about macro generated variables within the macro being borrowed as both immutable and mutable. cc!(x; x) is semantically a no-op anyway, so it should not be used.
  • The code generated by the macros takes special care to avoid panicking or overflowing. If a range is reversed (the start value is larger than the end value), the macro will will return a compile time error or None at runtime before trying to calculate something like end - start. The only way to overflow is to exceed usize::MAX in concatenation widths, or the individual arbitrary expressions entered into the macro overflow (e.x. ..(usize::MAX + 1)).
  • In case you want to see the code generated by a macro, you can use awint_macro_internals functions like awint_macro_inlawi and call it with the macro input as a string


Copy Corresponding Concatenations of Components Dynamically. Takes concatenations of components as an input, and copies bits of the source to corresponding bits of the sinks. Returns () if the operation is infallible, otherwise returns Option<()>. Returns None if component indexes are out of bounds or if concatenation bitwidths mismatch. Performs allocation in general, but will try to avoid allocation if the common bitwdith can be determined statically, or if concatenations are all of single components. See the lib documentation of awint_macros for more.

A concatenations of components macro, additionally using the source value to construct an ExtAwi. See the crate documentation of awint_macros for more.

A concatenations of components macro, additionally using the source value to construct an InlAwi. See the crate documentation of awint_macros for more.

Specifies an InlAwi type in terms of its bitwidth as a usize literal.