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Welcome to avro-schema’s documentation. Thanks for checking it out!

This is a library containing declarations of the Avro specification in Rust’s struct and enums together with serialization and deserialization implementations based on serde_json.

It also contains basic functionality to read and deserialize Avro’s file’s metadata and blocks.

Example of reading a file:

use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;

use avro_schema::error::Error;
use avro_schema::read::fallible_streaming_iterator::FallibleStreamingIterator;

fn read_avro(path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let file = &mut BufReader::new(File::open(path)?);

    let metadata = avro_schema::read::read_metadata(file)?;

    println!("{:#?}", metadata);

    let mut blocks =
        avro_schema::read::BlockStreamingIterator::new(file, metadata.compression, metadata.marker);

    while let Some(block) = blocks.next()? {
        let _fields = &metadata.record.fields;
        let length = block.number_of_rows;
        let mut block: &[u8] = block.data.as_ref();
        // at this point you can deserialize the block based on `_fields` according
        // to avro's specification. Note that `Block` is already decompressed.
        // for example, if there was a single field with f32, we would use
        for _ in 0..length {
            let (item, remaining) = block.split_at(4);
            block = remaining;
            let _value = f32::from_le_bytes(item.try_into().unwrap());
            // if there were more fields, we would need to consume (or skip) the remaining
            // here. You can use `avro_schema::read::decode::zigzag_i64` for integers :D


Example of writing a file

use std::fs::File;

use avro_schema::error::Error;
use avro_schema::file::Block;
use avro_schema::schema::{Field, Record, Schema};

fn write_avro(compression: Option<avro_schema::file::Compression>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut file = File::create("test.avro")?;

    let record = Record::new("", vec![Field::new("value", Schema::Float)]);

    avro_schema::write::write_metadata(&mut file, record, compression)?;

    // given some data:
    let array = vec![1.0f32, 2.0];

    // we need to create a `Block`
    let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![];
    for item in array.iter() {
        let bytes = item.to_le_bytes();
    let mut block = Block::new(array.len(), data);

    // once completed, we compress it
    let mut compressed_block = avro_schema::file::CompressedBlock::default();
    let _ = avro_schema::write::compress(&mut block, &mut compressed_block, compression)?;

    // and finally write it to the file
    avro_schema::write::write_block(&mut file, &compressed_block)?;



Contains Error

Contains structs found in Avro files

Functions to read and decompress Files’ metadata and blocks

Contains structs defining Avro’s logical types

Functions to compress and write Files’ metadata and blocks