Expand description


Handle authentication of HTTP calls.

Authentication protocols can require specific workflows, such as making third-party calls to refresh a token or performing an initial request to get challenge information.

Using a fixed code structure, authentic can perform the necessary interactions for each authentication protocol. This allows protocols to be changed easily.

For example, the following code uses reqwest to access a site using HTTP Basic authentication. (See the repository tests directory for fully working examples).

// One-time code:
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();

let mut realm_credentials = HashMap::new();
    "Fake Realm".into(),
    Arc::new(UsernamePasswordCredential::new("username", "password")),
let credential = Arc::new(HttpRealmCredentials::new(realm_credentials));

// Per-request code:
let mut authentication = HttpAuthentication::new(credential.clone());

let response = loop {
    while let Some(auth_step) = authentication.step()? {
        match auth_step {
            AuthenticationStep::Request(request) => {
                let auth_response = client.execute(request);
            AuthenticationStep::WaitFor(duration) => {

    let response = client

    if authentication.has_completed(&response)? {
        break response;

The creation of the request takes place inside a loop. First, the authentication protocol is given an opportunity to perform any third-party calls using step(). HTTP Basic authentication does not use this, but it can be used, for example, to refresh an expired OAuth2 access token.

The request is created using a standard reqwest::RequestBuilder, using a new with_authentication() method to modify the request for the authentication protocol. For HTTP authentication, the first iteration makes no change to the request.

The request is sent and a response is received. For HTTP authentication, this returns a 401 Unauthorized response.

The has_completed() method checks if the response is ready to be returned or if the authentication protocol needs to retry. For HTTP authentication, this reads the returned www-authenticate challenge and establishes the correct credentials. As the request needs to be retried, has_completed() returns false and a second iteration begins.

On the second iteration of the loop, with_authentication() adds the credentials as the Authorization header to the request. The request is authenticated and the response contains the correct data. has_completed() will return true and the loop exits with the response.

HTTP library features

authentic supports asynchronous code using hyper or reqwest, and blocking code using reqwest.

Specify the library using the following features:

  • hyper-client
  • reqwest-async
  • reqwest-blocking

Algorithm features

The above per-request code works for all supported authentication methods, but requires both the step and loop features to be enabled.

If the loop feature is not enabled, then the outer loop is not required.

If the step feature is not enabled, then the inner while loop is not required.

For example, a JWT credential requires the step feature, but does not require the loop feature. Hence the code can remove the outer loop. (Note that the JWT credential also requires the jwt feature.)

// One-time code:
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();

let credential = Arc::new(JsonWebTokenCredential::new(
    Duration::from_secs(10 * 60),

// Per-request code:
let mut authentication = BearerAuthentication::new(credential.clone());

while let Some(auth_step) = authentication.step()? {
    match auth_step {
        AuthenticationStep::Request(request) => {
            let auth_response = client.execute(request);
        AuthenticationStep::WaitFor(duration) => {

let response = client

If an API always requires basic authentication with specific credentials, neither the step or loop features are required:

// One-time code:
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();

let credential = Arc::new(UsernamePasswordCredential::new("username", "password"));

// Per-request code:
let mut authentication = BasicAuthentication::new(credential.clone());

let response = client

Supported combinations

The supported algorithm-credential pairs, and the features required to enable them, are:

  • NoAuthentication
  • BasicAuthentication<UsernamePasswordCredential>
  • BearerAuthentication<JsonWebTokenCredential> (features = ["jwt", "step"])
  • BearerAuthentication<TokenCredential>
  • HeaderAuthentication<JsonWebTokenCredential> (features = ["jwt", "step"])
  • HeaderAuthentication<TokenCredential>
  • HttpAuthentication<HttpRealmCredentials<UsernamePasswordCredential>> (features = ["loop"])


Authentication protocols for use with hyper. Use the hyper-async feature to enable these.

Authentication protocols for use with reqwest. Use the reqwest-async feature to enable these.

