Expand description

Channel Status Register


Type Aliases

  • Field FRAME reader - Framing Error (cleared by writing a one to bit US_CR.RSTSTA)
  • Field LINBE reader - LIN Bus Error
  • Field LINBK reader - LIN Break Sent or LIN Break Received
  • Field LINBLS reader - LIN Bus Line Status
  • Field LINCE reader - LIN Checksum Error
  • Field LINHTE reader - LIN Header Timeout Error
  • Field LINID reader - LIN Identifier Sent or LIN Identifier Received
  • Field LINIPE reader - LIN Identifier Parity Error
  • Field LINISFE reader - LIN Inconsistent Synch Field Error
  • Field LINSNRE reader - LIN Slave Not Responding Error Interrupt Mask
  • Field LINSTE reader - LIN Synch Tolerance Error
  • Field LINTC reader - LIN Transfer Completed
  • Field OVRE reader - Overrun Error (cleared by writing a one to bit US_CR.RSTSTA)
  • Field PARE reader - Parity Error (cleared by writing a one to bit US_CR.RSTSTA)
  • Field RXRDY reader - Receiver Ready (cleared by reading US_RHR)
  • Field TIMEOUT reader - Receiver Timeout (cleared by writing a one to bit US_CR.STTTO)
  • Field TXEMPTY reader - Transmitter Empty (cleared by writing US_THR)
  • Field TXRDY reader - Transmitter Ready (cleared by writing US_THR)