Type Definition atsame54n19a_pac::qspi::instrframe::R[][src]

type R = R<u32, INSTRFRAME>;

Reader of register INSTRFRAME


impl R[src]

pub fn width(&self) -> WIDTH_R[src]

Bits 0:2 - Instruction Code, Address, Option Code and Data Width

pub fn instren(&self) -> INSTREN_R[src]

Bit 4 - Instruction Enable

pub fn addren(&self) -> ADDREN_R[src]

Bit 5 - Address Enable

pub fn optcodeen(&self) -> OPTCODEEN_R[src]

Bit 6 - Option Enable

pub fn dataen(&self) -> DATAEN_R[src]

Bit 7 - Data Enable

pub fn optcodelen(&self) -> OPTCODELEN_R[src]

Bits 8:9 - Option Code Length

pub fn addrlen(&self) -> ADDRLEN_R[src]

Bit 10 - Address Length

pub fn tfrtype(&self) -> TFRTYPE_R[src]

Bits 12:13 - Data Transfer Type

pub fn crmode(&self) -> CRMODE_R[src]

Bit 14 - Continuous Read Mode

pub fn ddren(&self) -> DDREN_R[src]

Bit 15 - Double Data Rate Enable

pub fn dummylen(&self) -> DUMMYLEN_R[src]

Bits 16:20 - Dummy Cycles Length