Module atsame51n::rtc::mode0

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Cluster 32-bit Counter with Single 32-bit Compare



Type Aliases§

  • BKUP (rw) register accessor: Backup
  • COMP (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Compare n Value
  • COUNT (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Counter Value
  • CTRLA (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Control A
  • CTRLB (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Control B
  • DBGCTRL (rw) register accessor: Debug Control
  • EVCTRL (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Event Control
  • FREQCORR (rw) register accessor: Frequency Correction
  • GP (rw) register accessor: General Purpose
  • INTENCLR (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Interrupt Enable Clear
  • INTENSET (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Interrupt Enable Set
  • INTFLAG (rw) register accessor: MODE0 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear
  • SYNCBUSY (r) register accessor: MODE0 Synchronization Busy Status
  • TAMPCTRL (rw) register accessor: Tamper Control
  • TAMPID (rw) register accessor: Tamper ID
  • TIMESTAMP (r) register accessor: MODE0 Timestamp