Type Definition atsam4sd32c_pac::pwm::wpcr::WPCMD_W

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pub type WPCMD_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriter<'a, u32, WPCR_SPEC, u8, WPCMD_AW, 2, O>;
Expand description

Field WPCMD writer - Write Protect Command



impl<'a, const O: u8> WPCMD_W<'a, O>


pub fn disable_sw_prot(self) -> &'a mut W

Disable the Software Write Protect of the register groups of which the bit WPRGx is at ‘1’.


pub fn enable_sw_prot(self) -> &'a mut W

Enable the Software Write Protect of the register groups of which the bit WPRGx is at ‘1’.


pub fn enable_hw_prot(self) -> &'a mut W

Enable the Hardware Write Protect of the register groups of which the bit WPRGx is at ‘1’. Only a hardware reset of the PWM controller can disable the hardware write protect. Moreover, to meet security requirements, the PIO lines associated with PWM can not be configured through the PIO interface.