Crate atomo

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Atomo is an atomic execution engine for Rust. At its core it is a database wrapper that enhances any backend storage engine with an optimized snapshot functionality.


  • Atomo is the concurrent query and update execution engine that can allow many queries to run in parallel while a single update thread takes ownership of mutating the states.
  • The builder API to use for opening an Atomo database.
  • The bincode serializer from the bincode crate.
  • An iterator over the keys of the table.
  • An atomic pointer that can only be initialized once.
  • The query permission on an Atomo only allows non-mutating changes.
  • A resolved table reference can be used to cache the lookup of a table by its string name and the type validations and can be used to speed up the TableSelector::get_table function.
  • A reference to a table inside an execution context (i.e TableSelector). A table reference can be used as a reference to a table to operate on it.
  • The table selector contain multiple tables and is provided to the user at the beginning of a query or an update. You can think about this as the execution context.
  • The update permission on an Atomo which allows mutating the data.


  • The serialization backend that can empower [Atomo] with Serde for serializing the data for the persistence layer.

Type Definitions